Chapter Thirty Four

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I was awaken by the loud cries of my a child which seemed to be coming from the kitchen.

Slowly getting out of bed, I saw that my stomach was the same way that it has always been with no additional marks. I looked like one heck of a mess with my hair flying all over the place.

Going into the kitchen, I saw Ashanti rocking a baby back and forth in his arms. The child was all bundled up and I couldn't really see their face.

"Ashanti," I called out. My voice was a bit soft and I was still a bit sleepy.

He turned around to face me with a huge smile as he held our baby tightly in his arms. I couldn't help but smile as well seeing the look of joy in his eyes.

"I would like you to meet our little baby girl. Her name is Aracel Nevia but if you don't like it, it's not too late to change it," he said, as he rocked her in his arms.

My smile widened even more. "I love it actually." The name was perfect. It was then I realized what Selene meant by traditions change.

"The Goddess told me that she ate her way out of me, was it true?" I asked, the rest of my memories soon came crashing back to me as I rested a hand on my stomach.

He let out a quiet laugh. "The Goddess was just messing with you, after all she is known for her mischievous little ways."

I let out a breath of relief seeing as my sweet baby girl did no such thing. It just looks like I am the Goddess's personal little play thing.

"So what about the biting?" I asked, remembering how she would always bite me and lets not forget how much it had hurt.

"Don't worry about that. Just like babies kick in the womb, well she bites. That's all I know so if you have anymore questions, you should ask the Goddess next time she talks to you."

I nodded my head as I watched him stare down at Aracel. I shouldn't expect him to just have all the answer to my questions.

"Can I hold her?" I asked, as Ashanti nodded his head. He placed her sleeping form in my arms as I looked down at the sleeping beauty in front of me.

Her short little blonde hair was untamed and was just messily in all directions. Her eyes were closed but she looked like a little doll with her cute button nose.

I gently moved her hair out of her face as I rocked her in my arms. Not a sound came from her until her hand caught mine in a flash, before she bit down on my finger.

I was shocked, although I shouldn't have been. The Goddess had already told me that she was to be fed blood.

As soon as she began sucking my blood, her eyelids shot open to reveal the most unique eyes I had ever seen. Her right eye was bright blue while her left eye was a bright silver.

I let out a tiny gasp as I stared into them. I could even spot a few specks of gold in each of them. Her eyes was just so beautiful to look at, but she quickly shut them before letting go of my finger.

I guess there is a lot for me to learn now, especially since I have a daughter now who is the key in this whole mess. I don't even understand the Goddess's plan, but I hope she knows what she is doing.

Anything can happen to me for all I care, but I just wanted the absolute best for my little girl.

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