Chapter Fifteen

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My body was at peace as my mind was finally relaxed. It felt as if my body was surrounded by water and I was just floating in the middle of nowhere, but everything was perfect as if that was how it was meant to be.

"Open you eyes child," an angelic voice that belonged to a woman said. Wanting to know who it was, I did as she commanded to see that I was in a large body of crystal clear water as a beautiful woman swam before me.

She was staring back at me with beautiful silver eyes that reflected the moon. Her long, wavy black hair was floating all around in the water as her gorgeous coffee skin complexion had a little glow.

"You have aged beautifully, just like your mother," she said while offering a sad smile. "It's a shame as to what my creations are capable of. Such anger, greed, jealousy and yet little to no control over their actions." It seemed as if she was disappointed with werewolves.

Finally deciding to speak, I opened my mouth. "Not trying to be disrespectful, but you created them," I shrugged my shoulders. She created them so maybe she could fix them or something of that sort.

"I know darling, that's why I created your kind and which is why I need you to go willingly with the one made just for you. Together, the two of you will finally make werewolves behave the way I intended it to be from the very beginning." Her voice was so smooth and calming that it seemed impossible to argue with her.

"Well if I was meant to be with another,  why did you give me a mate then?" I was trying my best not to become angry especially when the person I was talking to was the Moon Goddess, but that was becoming very difficult. "You're the Moon Goddess, I'm sure there could have been a less complicated way. Having one mate is already challenging for my kind, now having to explain all of this to him is even more complicated."

She smiled at me all the while remaining calm which was definitely not working for me. "He was to take you away from your misery because Malik was planning something big," she said, anger evident in her eyes.

"Planning what?" I asked, curious as to how whatever he was planning could get the Moon Goddess angry. 

"Never mind that. Jovano isn't your mate he was just supposed to take you away from your misery back at your home, which he did. I'm sure your mother explained to you that your first mate is just a distraction for the other wolves and he is supposed to help you survive until your true mate finds you." 

She was right, my mother did explain this to me. I also told Jovano that, but hearing it from the person who made my life like this on purpose was painful. It was hard to believe that was the only way the the Moon Goddess could find.

"You are supposed to be with the one chosen for you so that your bloodline remains pure Alejandra. That is the only way that everything that I have planned for you actually happens. You are the one who is meant to stop this foolery that the wolves are doing on Earth." Her once smooth and calm voice was now replaced with a harsh and angry one.

"But my mother wasn't with the one chosen for her, so why must I be the one who actually has to go with him?" At any minute now, I would just burst out crying because that was what I did best. 

She let out a magical yet terrifying laugh as she looked at me. "I always wondered whether or not they would tell you or if you would figure it out for yourself," she said, while letting out the same terrifying laugh again.

I gave her curious look as to what she was getting at.

"Haven't you ever wondered why you look exactly like your mother and have not even one feature of your father?" She questioned. I actually never thought about that until when she mentioned it. "You are a product of the love shared between your mother and her chosen mate and the same thing for her and your grandmother."

My eyes widened at this new found information as it suddenly made sense to me. My mother seemed happy around my father but would always be extremely happy whenever she was back from her usual run in the woods. It was now everything clicked. She must have been meeting my father, her chosen mate in the woods.

"Looks like you have finally figured it out. The man you thought was your father was simply a cover up. If the other wolves had known of your true father, they would know that the legend was true."

"So why couldn't my mother tell me that. Why did she leave that part out, but could tell me everything else. Is that why he did not care about me after she died? Did he even know about this whole mess he had been sucked into?" I ranted.

Your adopted father knew everything because I told him in a dream. As for your mother, she had to hide it from you to keep the bond between you and him looking like an actual father and daughter. Anyways, I guess it's time to send you back, but remember, you cannot run from your destiny darling." When she was done speaking, she flicked her wrist sending me back into an empty, dark world.

As soon as I was back there, I quickly opened my eyes to see my grandmother and Jovano staring back at me.

"What? Did something happen while I was sleeping?" I asked worriedly as I sat up and rested my back on the headpiece of the bed.

"You were out for an entire week and I didn't think you would make it," Jovano said, whispering the last part. It was now I saw how tired he look and how red his eyes actually was, making me sad.

"Why didn't you tell me mama?" I asked, knowing that she knew exactly what it it that I am talking about from the look in her eyes.

"Can you excuse us Jovano. This is very important between the two of us and it would be appreciated if you didn't hear this," she said, leaving no room for him to argue before turning her attention back to me.

She sighed before taking a seat on the bed near me. "I thought your mother would have time explain everything to you, but then she passed. I was planning on telling you when the time was right but the Goddess had already found you a mate to help protect you and I didn't want to make your life miserable again when everything seemed to be going right."

Her reason made sense to me but at the same time I would have liked to know the truth even if it wasn't the happiest thing to hear. I mean it would have broken me even more, but now that I know the bond Jovano and I have been working on the for the past weeks was just a complete waste of time.

I tried to change for him to make him happy although I was breaking everyday and now I am just learning we weren't meant to be. He was someone else's mate and I was just making things complicated with being in his life.

So many emotions were stirring up in me as I rested my head on my grandmother's lap as she run her hand in my hair.

"I know it sucks sweetie, but this is just how our family has been. This is the way the Moon Goddess created us," she said sadly as I broke down.

My life was just a complete mess thanks to the Moon Goddess. Who knew the flawless mother of wolves was capable of making so many mistakes?

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