Chapter Three

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My mind was racing as the many she wolves in the room was quietly whispering to one another. I didn't know what to do until I remembered where I was standing.

Without a second thought, I bolted out the door and out of the pack house, nearly bumping into three persons, as I run all the way to my house.

When I made it into my home, I ignored my stepmother who was angrily calling out my name as I run into my room.

I was naturally a fast runner and much faster than most full grown werewolves, which came in handy at times, but I knew my mate would find me. 

I just could not believe a normal wolf like him was my mate, unless the stories my mother and grandmother used to tell me were true. If they were, then that meant my life would get a whole lot complicated from here on out. 

Wondering what to do, I found myself lost in my own little world until my door flew open to reveal my stepmother with a huge smile on her face.

"Cone on now dear. Your mate is waiting for you downstairs," she said in a sweet voice as she walked towards me.

I shook my head as my way of saying that I didn't want to go, but she roughly grabbed my hand and began pulling me towards the door.

Trying my best to remain still but was failing as she continued to pull me out the door and down the stairs. I only wished that my strength ability was as strong as my running.

I didn't even have to see him to know that he was there. A fresh breeze of sweet candy with a mixture of mint just exploded into my nostrils before I saw him just casually standing near the front door waiting.

He was beautiful in every way possible and I just wanted to jump straight into his arms, but another part of me wanted to run away from him and hide in the deepest and darkest corner of the world so that he may never find me.

My stepmother immediately loosened her tight grip on my arm as she placed on a fake smile and walked me over to him.

"Here she is." She spoke kindly towards him as she pushed me forward.

"What is your name?" He asked with a rough and husky voice that nearly made me fall head over heels, but I remained quiet since there was no way for me to respond.

He looked between Felicia and I before repeating the question once more and like before got no response, although there was nothing more I wanted to do than answer him.

"She's mute, sir," Felicia answered before bowing her head, when she realized he was beginning to grow angry.

Something flashed through his eyes upon hearing that I was mute but it quickly disappeared as he took my hand, causing sparks to erupt through my very soul, as he walked away with me.

I was both rejoicing and sad inside. I was happy to be finally leaving this awful pack but at the same time saddened because I was leaving my father behind and also because this was where my mother body was.

Even though my father didn't care about me now, he cared deeply when my mother was still with us. He was the most loving and caring father that I could ask for, but when my mother left us, something inside of him just left with her.

At my mother's funeral, it felt like I was telling both my mother and father goodbye and that was when I had lost myself.

He had led me into the packing lot and before I knew it, I was seated in a black SUV with him besides me as the vehicle was driving away from my home.

I was staring out the window as my mind was just swimming in the many questions that were floating around my head, as I felt his intense stare on me but I chose to ignore it.

Not being able to just ignore his gaze after some time, I finally decided to look at him which I instantly regretted as I looked into his silvery blue eyes. They were just calling out to me as I stared into them, captivated by his beauty.

Finally coming back into my right senses, I turned my head away and stared back out the window wondering what my mother would think of my current situation and how she would react. A tiny smile made its way on my face as I thought about her.

I had taken everything from her from looks to personality and nothing from my father, maybe that's why he hates me like everyone else.

Soon my eyes were feeling heavy as they slowly closed, but not before I felt strong muscular arms wrap around me.

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