A Full Moon and a Memory Spell

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Klaus nodded and carried Caroline to the sleeping space of the hut. He lay her on the bed of straw and watched her drift to sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There was whispers all around filling the area with silent sounds. "Caroline, Caroline, Caroline" the chanting tickled the back of her neck and hairs stood up on end. She was all alone but surrounded by warmth.

What was this familiar feeling?

She wanted to open her eyes to find light and objects but she had them open already... she was nowhere.

She wasn't floating or falling or awake or asleep. She was just existing in a void. No up or down no light no darkness.

Can you imagine it?


The chanting of Carolines name continued.

The overwhelming feeling of nonexistence make Caroline feel dizzy and sick but it also involved feelings of frustration and isolation then weirdly content and lustful.

She did not know what she was craving so much to lust over it but she needed it like her life depended on it.

This animalistic lust and not knowing how to sate it caused another wave of ferrel fury. She thrashed as much as she felt she could until the chanting of her name stopped.

The deafening silence was unbearable. She needed to hear something so she screamed. As hard and loud as she could.

All that came out was a breath of blue cool air. It made swirls and danced in front of her causing the blue whisps to bend and pivot as white sparks fizzed off them, fading from sight.

Suddenly there was space - Caroline looked up and down then all around her always coming back to focus on the spark wisp of light.

She reached out for it finding her strength but when she reached it flew away from her. It impishly teased her as it flew around her head then shot straight down under Caroline.

As she stared down at it she felt movement in her whole body. It was sickening and dizzy. Air rushed past her skin and whistled in her ears. Her body rotated 90° so she was facing the wisp that was rocketing away as fast as it could.

"Wait," Caroline called out in an unexpected whisper, "Come back!"

Then there it was. The feeling she hoped wouldn't come. She was falling. Falling towards the blue wisp at great speed but it was still faster.

Caroline flailed her torso and limbs to feel an edge of a ledge or something to grab onto. Nothing.

The wisp fizzed and spat as it spun I a circle below Caroline. It grew smaller and smaller until it exploded.

Light expanded under Caroline as she fell still. The light was blinding and filled Caroline with fear of the unknown as she fell from the embrace of perpetual darkness into the grasp of life.

Caroline was shielding her eyes as she passed between the two extremes. Once she opened them she was looking down on land from her depending state in the clouds.

"Caroline." Came a more familiar voice than the mixed voices from earlier.

Though she was still falling she raised her head and saw a most pleasant sight.

"Bonnie!" Caroline was over come with excitement. "Bonnie where are we?"

"You'll see." she cryptically replied as they fell faster and faster towards a building.

"Bonnie! I can't stop!" Screamed Caroline. She quickly covered her face and braced for impact. But it never came...

Caroline opened her eyes. She was now standing, with Bonnie next to her, facing a set of doors. A sense of familiarity as well as slight fear and anxiety came over Caroline like a wave.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"Where do you think?" Bonnie smiled and moved to the right side of the doors.

"Don't worry Mom, I won't stay out too late. We are just having food, cake and sodas. I promise!"

"It can't be..." Caroline snapped her head from the doors to the voice.

Her voice.


The Times We LovedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin