A Cry For Help

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"Happiness can only last so long until reality comes crashing down again" - Yours Truly

A flash of blonde was seen by the patients in the center as it went around the corner.

The woman with blonde ran around the corner at the speed of light. She ran as if her life depended on it.

The patients stared at her as though she was crazy, but if only they knew.

The woman rounded the corner but then halted as soon as she saw a nurse in her white scrubs running towards her. Her mind screamed at her to run, so she did.

Go, Run, Get out.

She was determined to leave this place, but her dreams crushed before her as she saw another nurse at the next corner. Suddenly, many of them appeared at every cornered. She then realized that she was cornered and the only way to get out was to fight.

They slowly advanced to her, one nurse holding a strap and the next holding a needle.

She screamed and screamed and screamed her lungs out.


No one listened. No one listens to her cry of help. They came closer. She swung her hands around like a mad woman to prevent them from getting closer. She managed to hit one right in the face. She kicked and swung, but in the end it was useless.

Hands closed around her waist as she thrashed around. The nurse with the needle was getting closer and closer. Again she swung and kicked. The needle got closer. It pricked her skin. Then, the needle reached it's destination. It was pushed into the vein in her neck.

Time slowed down for her. She felt the strap being wrapped around her body to prevent her from moving. Her vision blurred and soon there was nothing.


The last leg of the PSA tour was finished. The last leg was in America and guess who was their opening act was? Yep you guessed it.

Camila Cabello was their opening act with her new album.

Surprisingly, the tour was going great.

The girls were actual for once were getting along. They even planned to go out to the club that same night.

All four girls stood at the end of the stage bowing and smiling. Of course they missed Dinah, but they wanted to make the most of their trip.

Each girl walked off the stage laughing, adrenaline coursing through their veins.

No negativity was in the air. It was almost like old times.

Soon enough they arrived at the club, skipping the line because of their title.

They had their own private space in the club with their own drinks. Soon enough they were on the dance floor. Of course, they were dancing together because they didn't want to dance alone.

Camren + Drinks + Sexual Tension + Dancing could only equal to something powerful.

Without noticing, Camila and Lauren got closer to each other on the dance floor. Lauren grinding on her, while of course tipsy and Camila going with the flow.

In a blink of an eye, a make out session was happening right in the middle of the dance floor. No one was paying them any mind either way.

Lauren softy bit Camila's lip as Camila let soft whimpers and moans escape her mouth. Hands were flying everywhere, from ass gripping to neck grabbing.

It was like a light went off in Lauren's head as she aggressively pushed Camila away from her. A pained expression flew across Camila's face, but she quickly covered it up. Lauren angrily glared at her and quickly walked away.

Camila's feet stayed rooted to the ground as she thought everything over. She debated whether to chase after Lauren or not. But the a look of determination crossed her face. She was going to get her girl back.

So she chased after her. She saw Lauren outside slowly inhaling the death stick in her hand. She sped-walked to Lauren flicked the cigar out her hand and snatched her by her neck, into a kiss.

At first, Lauren tried to protest, but as Camila backed her up into the wall and pinned her hands, her walls slowly fell.

The make-out session lasted a while until one of them suggested they go back to their hotel. They couldn't remember who asked, but they didn't care. All they cared about was pleasing each other. And that's exactly what they did.


However, as always good things don't always happen.

Dinah awoke in a cell, her body bandages together. She was scared for a life and she had to get back to the girls to warn them. Their career was much bigger than them. The people in charge were out for them and they weren't management.

She had overheard the owner of the center on the phone. What they discussed wasn't pleasant and she knew she needed to get out. She was afraid.

Dinah thrashed around to get the strap off of her, but it was no use. Suddenly, a door swung open and a pair of shoes clanked against the ground.

The unknown person wore black combat boots and a black suit. They had an entire mask over their face, but Dinah could tell it was a man.

Dinah shivered, but not from being cold. Goosebumps ran up and down her arm as a shiver coursed through her body.

"Hello, Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen Amasio."

"W-w-who a-a-are you-u?" Dinah stuttered, her usually confident voice gone.

"Your worst fucking nightmare, baby girl."

"Please don't hurt me."

"Well, Simon Cowell should've sent me my money."

Suddenly, a shiny object was pulled out from inside the man's coat.

Dinah's scream sounded the whole place.


Then silence.

The man smirked and gently placed a sticky note with a message next to the body pooling with blood.

One down, four more to go.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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