Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

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"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one."

2 hours.

2 hours was how long Ally and Lauren sat in the waiting room. Camila received news via Ally and was on the next flight to Los Angeles. They all blew up Normani's phone but never received an answer back. Ally prayed multiple times for Dinah's health and rocked back and forth in her seat. She'd jump once she saw a doctor walk into the room, anxious to hear the news about her friends.

She questioned why out of all people would Dinah try to do this to herself. The girl always looked happy, whether she was shouting Beyoncé lyrics at the top of her lungs or she was snapchatting 24/7. Ally came to a realization that the group was getting a lot more messy. Almost to a point of no return.

Lauren, on the other hand, had took visits to the balcony to take a couple smokes. She was stressed out between Camila re-entering her life, Normani's money problem, Ally coming near death, and now Dinah popping pills. She wondered when the girls got to this point, where they lived on the edge everyday. She sometimes wished that her younger, confident self had never stepped on to the stage. Maybe life would've been better.

Another hour passed when a doctor walked into the waiting room and scanned the room.

"Family of Dinah Jane?"

Ally and Lauren instantly hopped up from their seats and speed-walked to the doctor.

"We're her band mates."

"Ah ok. Well I'm happy to say that Miss Jane is perfectly fine. We did have to pump her stomach, but she did survive. Right now she is resting. You guys seemed to have gotten there right on time. It may have been worse if she was left their longer."

The girls breathed a sigh of relief. Their friend was okay and that was all that mattered at the moment.

"Can we see her?" Lauren asked.

"Yes, you may, but she is resting right now. Follow me."

The doctor lead Ally and Lauren to the room were Dinah was staying. When they walked in the saw Dinah's pale body resting on the bed. Many wires were connected to her body as the machine next to her beeped at a steady pace. A mask covered her nose to help her breathe while the sheets the lower half of her body. Ally almost bursted into another set of her tears when she saw her deathly pale friend. Lauren's face remained stoic as she had to remain the strongest out of all of them as always.

Minutes later, Camila stumbled into the room almost tripping over her own two feet. She quickly fixed her position and ran to Ally to pull her in a quick, tight hug. She looked over at Lauren and gave a sharp nod. She then approached her ex-best friend and let a few tears fall. They might not be close anymore, but she still cares for her.

She gently picked up Dinah's hand and caressed the top of it in a friendly manner. She knew Dinah had been depressed a while ago, but she never knew it was this bad.

Suddenly, the ringtone of Lauren's phone shrilled out in the silent room causing everyone to jump. Lauren reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, seeing that Normani was calling back. She swiped right and brought the phone to her ear.

"Lauren? Hey, I'm super worried. You and Ally blew up my phone."

"Hey Mani-"

As soon as Ally heard Normani's nickname, she stomped to Lauren's side and snatched her phone from her.

"Normani Kordei Hamilton, where the hell have you been?"

"Hello to you too Ally. I've been out handling business."

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