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"We build bridges
Oh, we build bridges
No, we won't separate
We know love can conquer hate
So we build bridges
Bridges, not walls" - Fifth Harmony

Down by Fifth Harmony and CITC/IHQ by Camila were both topping the charts as all song competed against each other. However, that was the least of anyone's worries. Today was the trip to Havana. The only two interested in the trip were Ally and Camila.

Ally had been finding a way to break the news to all the rest of the girls, but first she wanted to make Havana a memorable experience. Especially if it might be the last memorable experience she'll have all of them.

They all arrived at the set time at they're gate to board the private jet. Lauren and Normani stood next to the windows engaged in a serious conversation. They had their tones low so it must've been really important and suspicious. Ally and Camila were both sitting down sharing everything they missed over the months while Dinah eyed them suspiciously. They truly missed each other and Camila wanted to fix this so Ally could rest peacefully knowing the girls were together. Dinah kept stealing glances at the two different pairs while she had her headphones in. Ironically enough, she was listening to Camila's music. She might not have been in a good place with her, but she supported her music no matter what and you have to admit, Camila's songs were bops.

Soon the girls were boarding the private jet and sat down with the same pairs as before. Dinah felt left out seeing as she didn't have anyone to talk to so she went back to listening to her ex-best friend's song. She knew I Have Questions was about them. They did leave her in the dirt. However, Camila did the same. All the girls were in the wrong. Some of them were just to stubborn to admit it.

Hours Later

All the girls were knocked out by the time the plane reached it's destination. They were awoken by the attendants shaking them awake with a warm smile telling them they were about to land.

They all gathered their things and got ready for the plane to land. They all thanked the pilot.

"Havana" Camila whispered with a smile on her face. Nothing every went wrong here. It was a place to fix problems and build upon those solutions.

Ally turned to Camila.

"Ready to bring back LYLAS?"

"Of course."

All the girls hopped in a taxi van and rode to their beach house. Many memories laid here making it a great place to make more.

Everyone began to move to the rooms they wanted right when Ally jumped in front of them.

"We actually have assigned rooms with certain people guys." She said blocking the girls from going up the stairs.

"What?!" They all shouted confused. Even Camila was confused. This wasn't a part of their plan.

"Yup. Lauren with Dinah in the bedroom next to the laundry room. Me, Mani, and Camila in the room with bunk beds."

"Hoi, how do you expect me to sleep next to a laundry room?"

"I want to room Mani!"

"Um there's three of us and 2 beds."

"This is bullshit, I don't want to sleep next to a snake. She might bite me."

"I'm not a fucking snake."


Ally's voice echoed through the house. She glared at all of them.

"We came here to have a good time and to be a family again. Act like fucking adults and stop being kids. Now just listen and room with the people I told you to room with in the room I told you to stay in."

Everyone was quiet and didn't want to piss Ally off, so they followed what they said, all mumbling under their breathe.

Ally smiled happily that they actually listened to her as she followed them.

"After you're finished meet back in the living room so we can discuss our plans."

Again, everyone listened Ally, not willingly of course. Ally smiled again when they all sat on the couch. With an unnecessary distance.

"Ok guys, so since we're all tired I figured we could take some tents down to the beach and have a mini sleepover there. It would kind of be like Camp king, but I mean I'm sure you know what I mean." Ally rambled.

"Whatever, are we done now?" Lauren mumbled. Her eyes were bloodshot showing she had just smoked a blunt before she sat down.

"Yes, I'm so excited." Ally squealed, clapping her hands together ignoring Lauren's tone.

After everyone had gathered their things to camp, they walked down to the camp and set up in a safe place. Dinah and Ally made a small fire, while Lauren, Camila, and Normani put up the tents.

Eventually they all got tired and plopped on the sand as they watched the sunset.


It was morning when Camila woke up. She was sore and cold above the covers. She tried to get up, but failed when she fell back down. She looked next to the bedside table seeing a note and her phone. The note read:

You were a great hit Camila, can't wait to do you again. Don't dare to tell anyone, or else I'll release the video and come after your precious Lauren next.

- Your Daddy (;

Camila cried as she recalled last night. She felt disgusted, ugly, and overall hurt. She thought Machine Gun Kelly was her friend. After bawling her eyes out, she slowly stood up, gathered her things, and went down the stairs. The house was trashed with red solo cups and knocked out bodies on the floor. She limped as fast as she could out the front door and to car. Once she sat down, she hit the wheel and banged her head against it. In this moment, Camila didn't want to be alive. She was hurting and she knew she couldn't heal. She looked over to see her phone blowing up with Twitter. She wasn't in the mood to see hate so she tried to ignore it, but then she saw a text from Lauren.

Hope you're happy with him.


All the girls sat quietly watching the beauty of the sky as the sun set. No one muttered a word to each other and they all kept a safe distance from each other. Ally took a deep breath as tears brimmed her eyes.

"Guys," She choked on her words. Everyone quickly turned to her hearing that she was about to cry. Lauren, sitting the closest to her, rubbed her back and tried to calm her down. "The tumor is spreading."

Everyone (except Camila) gasped as the words sunk in. Without saying a word they all gathered in a group hug as Ally sobbed quietly. Nobody had to say that she was dying, it was implied. Eventually everyone was in tears by the time.

Dinah's lips quivered as she sung the songs the lines to a song from their previous album quietly.

I'm not going to leave you now
Oh, I know it's gonna get better.

Lauren skipped a few lines as she mixed up the song and sang the next line.

I won't leave you for the money girl No matter what we go through

They all came together and harmonized,

I'm not going to leave you now
Oh I know it's gonna get better

Now everyone understood why Ally wanted them to get along. Soon the liveliness was back as they sat around the bodies sharing memories. For that moment, all worries and drama were forgotten. They smiled and laughed when Camila would tell jokes. It was like times and Ally was genuinely happy.

They were building bridges to cross to a better side, but the real question was how long will those bridges last before they come crumbling down again.

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