Don't Be Afraid

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A/N: To celebrate 5H's new album even though I've had this ready for a while 😁 I'm working on the fifth chapter so far

"Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right" -Unknown

Camila woke up with the thought of her friend ceasing to exist in a few years. It was scary to think of death and she couldn't even begin to imagine what Ally was going through. Ally is the sunshine of the group. She brought them all together in the end and no matter what, she was there for each and everyone in the end.

After her talk with Ally a few days ago, Camila thought of how short life could be. She wanted to make the most of it before she no longer roamed the earth. Outside of Fifth Harmony, she had other troubles to deal with. She made a quick decision and decided to get dressed and hop in her car. She knew what she had to do. Even if she was afraid.


Lauren walked into an alley in the bad part of LA. She knew she wasn't supposed to be here, but she was desperate. She craved it and she couldn't lived without it. Not with all this drama going on.

She stopped as soon as she recognized a man standing in the middle of the alley. She was too afraid to go to this part of town considering what's happened before.

"Miles." Lauren said without emotion.

"Jauregui." He said nodding at her. The hoodie covered half of his face, but you could still see the scar peaking out.

"You know the deal." He said when the silence became uncomfortable. Lauren dug into her pocket and pulled a wad of cash out. Miles handed her  two ziploc bags, one filled with weed and the other with cocaine.

They nodded at each other and parted ways. Both of them knowing not to stay in the area for a long time. They would be asking for trouble with the gangs that roamed this part of town. Lauren walked back to her car, and sat down in the drivers seat throwing her head back. Suddenly her pinged, indicating she was tagged in a post. She checked Instagram and saw that Halsey posted a picture of her.

"What an angel 😍😍😍"

Halsey captioned.

Many fans were already in the comment section, agreeing with her.

I'm no angel, Lauren thought to herself. She was far from an angel. And with that thought, she was rushed to her studio. She had an idea for a song in mind. She's gonna let everyone know exactly what she was. Lauren was tired of being afraid.


Dinah Jane stood in front of the a sink looking at her blood shot eyes. She gagged at the taste in her mouth, her eyes quickly shooting to the toilet again. She walked over to it, flushing the toilet watching as her breakfast went down the pipes. She quickly brushed her teeth and stepped on the scale next to her. This had become a daily routine for Dinah. She was used to it. She was used to the hateful comments, saying how thick she was. So to meet everyone's standards, she did what she had to do. She had even spoken to her doctor about getting surgery on her stomach and possibly her thighs.

135, the scale read. She sighed, this wasn't enough. She wanted to be like the rest of the members in group. But she also wanted her fans to look up to her, like they did to Camila. She wanted that number one spot. That's why she always envied her ex-best friend. Camila effortlessly made her way to the top while she stood in the background. Unfortunately her envy lead to their friendship being cut off. But that's a story for another time.

Dinah then walked into her room and took the pills on her dresser. She grabbed the measuring tape and put it around her waist. After she finished looking at everything she stood in front of the mirror, twisting and turning. She wasn't satisfied at all. She was never satisfied. She tried to stay off of social media, but social was her drug. She was like Lauren, except she was addicted to checking social media.

Her friends knew of her habits and tried to get her to stop. That's one thing they discussed in their group therapy sessions. She saw why Camila never showed up. The therapist picked at every flaw they had and made them discuss them. Camila faced the most emotional pain seeing as she was the face of the group. But now, Lauren and Normani stood at the top. They were the new Camila. And as usual, Dinah was in the background.

She tried her hardest, but she was shot down every time. And she knew soon enough she'd want out. Out of the whole industry. It wasn't what she expected. But she craved being seen. And she knew how to get there. She knew who she needed to speak to. She avoided it forever, but she couldn't keep singing background vocals and swaying in the back. She was going to do what she had to do to make it to the top. Even if it required conquering the fear she was afraid of.


Normani Kordei walked the familiar streets of Los Angeles. She had a meeting and wore baggy clothing with a hoodie and sunglasses to keep out of site. She stopped in front of the café and took a deep breath. She walked in and saw her ex-boyfriend sitting down, drinking coffee. She picked a public place because she knew how he could be when he was angry. And she didn't have anyone to defend her this time.

She sat down and cleared her throats when he didn't acknowledge her.

"Normani." He said glaring at her.

"Dontavious." She said with her strong facade. Deep down inside she was afraid. Afraid of what he could do to her.

"Do you have my money yet?"

"I'm sorry," Normani started with, but Dontavious was slamming his fist on the table already. "I just can't pull that out-"

"I don't care! You're running out of time. Don't make me have to come after your mother. She's a sweet lady." He said whispering aggressively.

Normani's eyes widened.

"No, please-" She said, panicking.

"You have two weeks." Dontavious said. He then got up and walked out of the café.

Tears brimmed Normani's eyes. How did she get to this point. The point where she was afraid with every step she took.


Ally was afraid of death.

As a Christian, she was taught to welcome death with open arms because she was finally gonna meet the man who was her savior.

But she didn't want to leave this life behind. She wasn't ready. She loved giving to charity and watching her fans smile take over their face. She loved singing in front of thousands of people and feeling the adrenaline course through her body. She loved spending time with her family and she hoped one day she could start her own.

However, hope was the one thing she was losing. She didn't have any now. She didn't know how to tell anyone that soon, she wouldn't be alive anymore. So she knew for right now, she'd have to cherish all that she had.

She sat around the table with her family playing monopoly. Everyone was sharing stories and laughing as joyful smiles spread across their face. Everyone except Ally's face. The news was slowly tearing her apart. She wouldn't have this for long and it hurt her. She knew she had a tumor for a while, but she thought it could be cured and she could go on with her life.

"What's wrong mija?" Her mom said looking warmly at her. Everyone else in to room stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

She debated spilling the news right then and there, but she didn't want to be the Debby Downer so she simply said nothing and smiled. They went on with their day, but her mom knew Ally. She knew something was wrong and she was determined to find out. But for right now, Ally would continue to live in fear. Afraid that any moment could be her last moment on earth.

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