A toy story.

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Percy pov

Who knew my cousin was such a geek? Ok yes everyone in the universe knows about his obsession with Mythomagic and the tantrums worthy of an Olympian God that come with him loosing or bad announcements. #

What they didn't know though was that he was also obsessed with other things and since he started dating Will, who was also a massive nerd, it had just gotten worse.

Naturally Jason and I started teasing and annoying him about this which occasionally led to me being chased around by skeletons.

What was happening now though was just weird. Neither of them were talking to me. They weren't even acknowledging my amazing existence.

"Talk to me" I complained, poking Nicos cheeks. "Look at me".

He just stared ahead.

"Hey Annabeth how's your design for Demters temple coming along?" Nico asked Annabeth.

We were all eating in the pavilion. Me, Annabeth, Nico and Will. Piper had been with us too but had had to run off when someone told her one of her sisters was about to murder her other sister Drew.

"Yeah really good actually-" Annabeth started before going on about all the plans she had for the temple.

Now I love Annabeth. And I could listen to her talk for hours upon hours upon hours, even if she was talking about math or something else boring, as long as it was her who was talking I would always listen.

But this time getting Nico and Will to pay me attention was more important.

"Do you not love me Nicky?" I pouted and pulled my best sad puppy dog face.

It kind of worked. He looked at me, frowned and threw a cold and leftover fry at my face before turning back to his conversation with Annabeth. "Just makes sure she likes it please, remember that I'm the one who has to have Sunday brunch with her every week".

Ignoring the fact that Nico apparently has Sunday brunch with the goddess of Agriculture, I'd ask about that later, I turned my attention to Will.

"You know I like you William, you make my baby cousin smile".

Will ignored me. I tried a bit longer, I even burst into song but it only made Annabeth roll her eyes, the two boys just ate fries.

Eventually I had to take drastic measures. I jumped up on the table and stomped my feet "PAY ATTENTION TO ME". This made the other campers who were eating look at me funny.

"Mr Jackson please get off the table" Chiron called over to me.

"Not until Nico and Will tell me why they wont talk to me".

I pointed at them.

"Please just put him out of his mystery boys" Chiron sighed.

"You killed Dr Jones!" Will said accusingly.

Seriously! "For the last time your Indiana Jones figurine was not alive to begin with! I bought you a new one!".

Can you believe that my dark and gloomy Nico is currently collecting Indiana Jones figurines with his boyfriend who was equally obsessed as him! Yes its hard to believe I know.

"It wasn't the same" Nico said matter of factly as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Its a toy!"

This was the wrong thing to say. They both turned to look at me dead in the eye, they were in sync with there glaring.

Annabeth snorted as if she already knew what was coming. I froze. They both stood up.

Nicos sword appeared in his hand, Will pulled his bow and quiver from where it had laid on the floor.

I ran.

I guess the moral of this story it to never accidently break and then insult a teenagers action figure.


Ok so this was the first attempt I did at the prompts I posted yesterday.

This one was requested by @BeatItImReading who couldn't decided who the action figure belonged to so instead imagine Will and Nico having their own collection and being totally obsessed.   

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