Percy, Jason & Chuck go to the movies.

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So in an old chapter I wrote, Ryan and Dove Designs, theres a part where I mentioned Jason and Percy taking lil Chuck to the movies and something else that happens, and I re read that chapter because someone commented on it and I was bored so I re read it, and I thought it would make a good chapter to write about.



Today I was hanging out at Camp Half Blood, I was kind of bored. Piper was working, Leo and Calypso had disappeared on one of their adventures again, probably in somewhere exoctic like Dubai or France or Germany by now, and camp was more or less deserted. I decided to stop by Cabin 3 and see if Percy was in.

He was. And he was talking with someone.

"Come on cupcake, I've got stuff to do today, and the kid needs to learn to fight" I heard.

"Coach, he's only just turned four, who's he going to be fighting? His action figures? Another toddler who tried stealing his juice box?" Percy argued.

"It a dangerous place, he needs to learn to protect himself, now here" I saw Coach Hedge hand Percy a small backpack and then he bent down to Chuck, "give him hell Chuckie", he fist bumped his small son then left leaving Percy standing there bewildered.

I walked in confused. "Whats that all about?"

"Apparently we're on baby sitting duty now"

"What do you mean we?" I never asked to be part of this, but on the other hand it was something to do.

"Coach wants us to teach Chuck how to fight, which is ridiculous!"

I agreed. But this was Coach we were talking about.

"How about we take him into the city instead, I was there the other day visiting Pipes and I saw there was a re run of Karate Kid playing, take him to see that, if the coach asks, we were teaching him the theory of karate before going into full on training, plus I'm super bored!"

Percy nodded, "good idea, my car's near Thalia's tree, we can take that". He grabbed his coat and slung the backpack which I realised now was decorated with cute little monsters, suitable for a small child, and turned to the four year old Satyr, "lets go buddy".


We now had the movie essentials, 2 large popcorns, 1 small, a bag of liquorice, I got a large coke, we got Chuck a chocolate milkshake and Percy got a blue slush. We, well I, had to carry all of that plus a booster seat for Chuck. Percy was acting really excited now, more so then Chuck.

"You wanna calm down there Perce, anyone would think you're the four year old" I smiled.

We entered the theatre and Chuck raced off to the back rows, there weren't many people in the theatre, two girls sat in the middle, and there was an elderly man with a boy about ten in the front. I stumbled up the steps, some of the popcorn spilling out.

"Go ahead blondie, waste all the popcorn, do you know how much that costs?"

"Considering I bought it? Yes I do know, and maybe if you maybe tried and helped me carry everything I wouldn't be wasting anything"

I could here him pulling a face behind me. I rolled my eyes.

"Do you always nag this much?" he asked.

"Oh shut it, where did Chuck go?" I huffed. I noticed the girls from the middle watching us and smiling and whispering. I huffed again and just ignored them.


The movie was good. Percy ate all his popcorn in the first 45 minutes and went to the bathroom about 4 times after downing his drink, and once Chuck had fallen asleep from all the excitement of the first half an hour, he ate what was left of Chucks popcorn.

It was fun 2 hours and was way better then moping around camp. Once the credits started to roll and the lights came up I started to collect all the trash. I handed it all to Percy, let him carry everything, while I picked up Chuck, it would be better if he stayed asleep, I decided a sleeping Satyr was better then an awake and hyper one.

We walked down the aisle were about to leave when one of the girls from the middle row said:

"You two are adorable, and your son is so cute".

I stared at her, I was sure that I'd misheard her.

"What are you ..?"

I was interrupted by Percy slinging his arm around me, "aw thanks, he's shy, doesn't like much PDA, do you sweet cheeks".

I shot Percy a confused look and he just winked at me.

"So how long have you to been together?"

Percy sighed, and tapped his chin, "what feels like a lifetime,".

I laughed quietly and uncertainly, "we should probably get going now, it was nice to meet you", and with that I pushed Percy out to the exit.

"You're insane, you know that right?"

"We'd make an adorable couple you know, those girls back there even said so" he grinned, dumping the popcorn boxes and empty drinks into a trash can.

I rolled my eyes, "oh yeah, too bad your madly in love with Annabeth and I'm madly in love with Piper", I sighed dramatically, "maybe in another life".

We both started laughing.

In the car on the way home I got a phone call, it was Piper.

"Hey Pipes",

"Hey, I'm just about to go into an interview, doubt he'll get the job but I'll tell you about that later, just thought I'd give you a ring. What you doing?"

I smiled, "me and Percy are having a secrete affair behind yours and Annabeths back and now we're running away together with little Chuck to raise him as out own".

Percy started laughing, "Sorry Pipes" he shouted, "guess I just like blondes".

"Erm ok," she laughed.

I quickly explained our day, about coach and chuck and going to the cinema and about the two girls. She started to laugh.

"Right then I'll see you tonight, and tell Percy we'll discuss custody later"


"Yeah of you Jason, love yah"

And then she hung up.


I realise 'And then she hung up' is pretty boring way to end a chapter but I don't know how to end it. Hope you liked this random little chapter.

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