Piper goes to Goode 01

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My dads in New York for a couple of months for work, he's starring in a Superhero TV show which is being shot just outside the city. Dad decided to bring me along with him this time, instead of leaving me in LA (AN, I think that's where she's from but I'm not sure, but since her dads a Hollywood star I went with common sense, let me know in comments if im wrong), since he was going to be gone for so long.

I didn't mind, it was nice that I was living with him now, even if I didn't see him every day it was more then before, and I was also closer to camp now, and Percy lived in the city along with Rachel so at least I knew people here.

Today was my first day at my new school. I wasn't nervous or anything, I'd had so many first days at so many different schools that they'd kind of lost their novelty. I passed a mirror as I made my way to the kitchen.

I was wearing a simple outfit of a black tank top tucked into a maroon coloured skater skirt with a grey zip up hoodie and a large denim jacket along with my cream coloured socks peaking out voer my worn in brown combat boots.  My hair was in its usual braided style with Harpy feathers dangling down.

"Have a you got your lunch money?" asked my dad.

"Yes" I told him.

"Do you need me to come?"

"That sweet, but I'm a big girl now dad, I think I'm good?"

"Are you going to speak to your teachers with that attitude?"

I sighed, "no dad"

"Have you got everything you need?"

"I think so"

"Are you taking the sub way or driving?"


He riffled through his pockets and pulled out his wallet, he handed me a gold debit card. I gave him a look.

"I don't need this dad, I'm going to school, not an all expenses spared shopping trip"

"Please just take it, keep it in your bag incase you ever need a pizza or a getaway car or something". I smiled at his joke. I looked at my watch.

"Right, I better be off before I'm late" I gave him one last hug before leaving.


Now I remember why I hate school. I was at the front office now waiting for my class schedule and locker number etc. People were staring at me, I knew why. Sure it might be first day of the new term, not the start of the school year, and I was the shiny new toy, people were wondering who I was, deciding which click I was going to fit in, but did they really have to stare. It was rude and annoying!

"Whats your name again sweetie?" the woman at the desk asked.

"Mclean, Piper" I said, ignoring the stares and hushed whispers.

She tapped on the keyboard and then I heard the printer start up. 2 minutes later she was handing me my schedule, my student card, locker information as well as a small binder labelled 'Goode guide honour code', at least I'm pretty sure that's what it said with my dyslexia on the fritz it could say anything, after a quick flip through I realised it was basically filled with the history of the school, the school rules and regulations, and a map of the school.

"Thanks" I said before leaving and making my way to locker 119. I put in the combination and it sprang open. After putting away all my books and pinning a photo of me and the seven to the locker door with a magnet, I'd add more when I could be bothered. I unfolded my class schedule ... and had no idea what I had first hour.

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