The Seven (YOUTUBE)

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OMG! There's this Youtube channel that I love. They're called THE SEVEN, consisting of thee girls, and four boys, with other people guest staring. Anyways, they have over 5 million followers and for good reason. They're hilarious.

 The four boys are, Percy Jackson, a hot tanned teenager with black hair, hard cheekbones (at least they look hard on my laptop screen), and messy black hair. Then there was Jason Grace, he was tan too, with blonde hair and blue eyes, an he had a scar on his lip, then there was the adorkable, Frank Zangh, he was like a teddy bear mixed with a rhino, he was huge but looked so cuddly and muscular at the same time, he was Asian and from Canada, and part Roman, weird combo I know. And last but not least, Leo Valdez, he's Spanish, but part Greek, he has curly brown hair, and a mischievous smile and twinkle in his eyes.

The girls were, Hazel Levasque, Franks Girlfriend, she had dark skin, curly hair, and golden eyes, she was the smallest and looked so weird standing next to Frank but still, I ship it! Then there was Piper McClean, DAUGHTER OF TRISTAN MCCLEAN! She had uneven cut brown hair that was normal braided with feathers, and eyes that changed colour, she was dating Jason. And finally Annabeth Chase, she had long blonde hair, but she wasn't a dumb blonde, she was so smart, and her screen name was Wise Girl, her grey eyes were terrifying though. Annabeth + Percy = PERCABETH! The whole internet shipped them and everyone knew they were gonna get married, they were practically engaged already.

They were an odd group but so fun to watch. They posted Q&A's, Tags, Prank vidoes, vlogs as simple as going to the mall that somehow end up in a food fight or the boys getting lost. They had grown immensely over the past six months, after a viral video of Percy and Leo had gone viral.

I felt nostalgic and wanted to watch that video, so I turned on my laptop and searched, - SUPREME MCSHIZZLE AND AQUA MAN: WE SET FIRE TO THE RAIN!. They each had little code names.

Percy - Seaweed Brain, Kelp Head, or Aqua Man, sometimes Fish Face, depending on who edited the video.

Annabeth - Wise Girl

Jason- Superman,

Piper- Beauty Queen

Frank - Chinese Canadian Baby Man (CCBM) 

Hazel- Miss Metal Detector

Leo - Supreme Commander or Supersized McShizzle or Repair Boy, once again it depended on who edited.

I pressed play and the video began on beach. "Is it on?" Percy asked he sat in front of the camera, the ocean behind him, but his gaze was on someone behind the vid cam.

"Yeah" a voice said, before Leo came on screen. "Hi" Percy said, "I'm Percy, and this Leo-" Leo coughed, "sorry, Super McShizzle Supreme Commander of the ArgoII, thanks very much, respect your Commanders Aqua Man!". Percy's eyes hardened and his head slowly turned to the Latino elf who was sat on his left "what did you call me"?

Leo laughed nervously, and said, "anyways, ... er .. we're gonna do a thing because we're bored and our girlfriends aren't here to tell us we cant do it ... come along Lord Percy".

They stood near the ocean, and the ocean water suddenly moved, it became a ball above both Percy and Leo and then started to rain. Leo pushed out his arms and flames shot up. Both of them started screaming, "I SET FIII-REEEE TO THE RAIN, WATCH IT FALL AS I TOUCH YU FACE!"

And they sang the whole song, Leo shooting flame balls at Percy, who dodged an threw water balls. The effects were amazingly well done, it looked so real. And that probably why I had 11 million views.

Ugh I love that video. But I was still feeling sentimental and wanted to watch a video with all of them together. So I clicked on Pizza Part - The Seven.

They were all sat on the floor in pyjamas, and onsies. I found it hilarious, Frank wearing a big panda onsie and Hazel a unicorn one. "Hey, we're the seven and we're having a sleep over in Percy's cabin, and we decided to film a video because we're bored" Piper started, underneath her in pink words read Beauty Queen, for about 10 seconds, long enough for people to read it. "And we got pizza" Percy said, a mouthful of what looked like pepporoni in his mouth, in green letters, Kelp Head was written underneath. He was whacked by Annabeth, for speaking with his mouth full.

I watched, laughing and smiling as they told stories, the funniest was when Percy brought up shooting a cannon at his class in middle school, and Leo snorted coke out his nose, then it ended up with Jason having pizza on his face after he'd said something to annoy Annabeth, Frank and Hazel were laughing and Piper and Annabeth were yelling at there boyfriends because they were being annoying while Leo, was all alone making snide comments and talking to the camera. God I love these people.

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