The Cinnamon Cookie Prank (YouTube)

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Francesca Waren

After a long and boring shift at my small towns only cafe, I flopped down on my bed. I made sure not to look over at the far corner of my room. If i looked over there I'd see the pile of homework waiting for me and that's not good for my anxiety. So many exams to study for and essays to write!

Because I'm very lazy and enjoy being unproductive I took out my phone and started to scroll. So unproductive!
A couple minutes later I got a notification. We nearly died doing this prank!
It was a new video from The Seven. Obviously I clicked it, a huge grin on my fave as the video started to play.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Words appeared across a black screen.
Fortunately no extremely handsome & hilarious teenage boys were killed/maimed/seriously injured in the process of making this video!!

"Hello guys" Percy Jackson said to the camera "welcome back for another video" Percy looked amazing, as always, but he had a cut along his left eye and his right arm was in a sling.
There was a lot of noise in the background. "Ow Percy I can't get- can ow! Help me!!" Called a voice. Percy looked up. He had a small smile on his face. Then he went to help.
A second later he hobbled over to the couch with Leo Valedez (whose leg was in a cast) clinging to him. As he sat back on the sofa he let out a long sigh.
"Took you a while to get here didn't it?" Percy teased.
Leo glared at him "you live on the 5th floor and the freaking elevator is out of order for Hades sake!"
"Did I forget go mention that?"
"Yes you for forgot to mention that!" Leo said sighing again "so where abouts are we with the video?"
"You were taking too long so I started with the intro"
Leo looked into the camera. "Oh. Hi guys!" He grinned showing cute dimples that made him look like a slightly taller 9 year old. (But only slightly taller).
"Like I was saying,we have a video for you all and in this video me and Leo played a little prank on our friends who as you can see turned to violence in response".
" Yeah. Hope you enjoy seeing us get beaten up" Leo said, he put his thumbs up.

This time instead of sitting on a sofa they were outside and they weren't injured either.
" Hey guys" Percy whispered "so we're here at camp and we've got a little prank planned".
"Here at camp Percys mom's cookies are the stuff of legends. That's cause they're the best thing in the world so we're gonna be nice and go give some to our besties!" Leo showed the camera the inside of a cookie tin filled with blue cookies.
"Except there's a twist. Me and Leo made them. And we may have gone a little overboard with the cinnamon" Percy said.

At first different clips of them first offering the cookies to people played. A big muscley girl with a bandana who looked at the cookies and the boys with severe distrust.
Two city haired boys who looked more or less exactly alike stared at the tin and seemed to be drooling. "Saly made cookies?"
"Yes Connor, Mrs Jackson-Blofis made cookies" Leo confirmed.

"Yo Jason" Leo shouted, "cookie?". Jason was a member of the Seven. The video showed him drop a bunch of ... weapons .. and run over to them. "Gimme gimme gimme!!!"

Then the video showed people taking them and stuffing them in their mouths. Bandanna girl took one hesitantly a bit into it. In all the clips it showed Leo and Percy trying  (and failing miserably) to keep a straight face.

Then came the reaction. The curly haired boys start choking they spit out the 5 cookies they previously  stuffed in their mouths before scrapping the crumbs off their tongue.
"They planned us! Connor they - ugh - they pranked us good! "

Then it showed Jason who'd looked so happy as he put the cookie in his mouth but that happiness soon turned to a look of betrayal as he sat it out.
"Why?" His voice cracked. Wow he was really upset. "Why in Hades would you do that? I - I thought we were bros? Leo what happened to besties till death, Percy we're family!". He wiped away a tear and after shooting them a look of absolute hurt, he slumped away.
Leo and Percy looked at each other and just stared in shock. "Ok that didn't go as planned" Leo muttered.

It changed to bandanna girl, who had only taken a small bite. She choked it down and coughed once. She threw the rest of it to the ground. "Cinnamon? Seriously Prissy? Lesley?"
Leo looked confused "Lesley? Wha-"
"You have 10 seconds to run" she said.
Percy and Leo stood frozen looking at each other.
"10 ... 9 ... 8 .." Bandanna girl counted down. And so the two boys  ran but didn't get very far.

The video cut back to them at Percys apartment "I hope you guys appreciate what we go through to bring you such great content" Leo said. 
"Thanks to everyone who unwilling participated we love you all"
"Yeah we're really sorry Jason"
"Also big thank you to my baby brother Tyson for filming all this and you know the great thing to all this  is that next time I have cookies nobody's gonna come bother me or nag me for them".
"Yep well I ache ... like a lot. Clarisse punches really hard. Let's wrap this up then I'm gonna go steal your bed you can bring me in some ice for my eye" Leo said.
Percy looked sideways at him "Oh will you now?"
"Yep. So guys make sure to like this video leave a comment and subscribe and also just as an added bonus send screencaps to Jason of him crying because that seems like it would be hilarious".
"Bye!" Percy waved. Leo grinned.


I smiled as the video ended. I immediately went online to see if anyone had sent Jason any photos or made any gifs. This is so much better then homework.

Right so there's another chapter for you all. Hope you enjoyed this!!

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