The School Bake Sale

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"Come on Cal you know I cant bake" I said, "ask me to whip up some tofu enchiladas and I'm you guy but cakes and cookies!"

My gorgeous wife rolled her eyes, I had nightmares sometimes that she'd roll them one too many times and they'll roll right out of her head, "good job I'm the one baking then and you're just going to help man the booth".

Ahh that was it. There was a bake sale at Caliopes' school, she goes to school with the rest of the sevens kids, they all go to the same middle school, and so me, Frank, Nico, Jason and Percy were in charge of the one big one we were going to do.

So for the next hour or so, Calypso baked while I ate the cookie dough and got swatted and glared at by my wife.

"Caliope!" I called when the trays of cookies started piling up.

She came running un, jumping up and down, her crazy curly blonde hair bouncing all over the place, her big and adorable eyes gleamed with trouble and she was grinning.

"Are they done, are they done, are they done!?" she asked. Smoke started coming from her cute button nose, yeah she inherited my awesome powers.

"Yep, you gonna come and decorate them?" I asked, eating the marshemellows.

"Wash your hands" Calyspo reminded her.

"So what are you gonna decorate them as?" I asked.

"FIRE!" she yelled,

"That's ma girl!" we highfived. Once again Calypso rolled her eyes.

"And flowers"

"That's my girl" Calypso said with a smirk.

Yep my daughter loves gardening, fire and building things.

"And we gotta make the cupcakes look like Festus!"

"Sounds good, lets get messy!"

"Erm, I think you mean make the least amount of mess as possible" Calypso warned,

I looked at my daughter and we both shook our heads, "NAH!"

And then Calypso rolled her eyes ... again ... I'm getting worried about her.

-The Next Day-

Our cakes looked amazing. Fire, flowers, gold dragons. And because my friends useless I made our banner, I had flashy lights!

"EMILY!" Caliope yelled, I looked over and saw Frank with his daughter Emily. Emily was about the same age as Cal, just a couple months older, she had frizzy black hair a mix of Hazel and Frank, and gold eyes like Hazel. Emily smiled shyly and waved. Emily was a lot less loud as Caliope, but I've seen her get mad and just like Hazel she goes from cute and innocent to holy hades run away!

"Look at these badboys!" I said to Frank showing him our awesome food.

"I really hope you didn't make them" he said,

"Course not, what did you bring"

"Panda cupcakes, red velvet cake, a couple shaped like swords a then just a bunch of huge cookies" he said. The panda's looked awesome.

"Where are the others?" I asked,

"You mean, Percy, Jason and Nico, don't ask me, I'm surprised you showed up on time"

"You offend me Zhang" I said. Emily and Caliope were playing tag on a pathc of grass away from the parking lot.

"Too bad" he shrugged. I grinned.

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