Fourteen - Tragedy

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// Chapter Fourteen - Tragedy //


The rain fell down on Leah, soaking her completely. But she couldn’t feel anything… nothing at all.

Why?! Why did this have to happen?

“We’re sorry for your friend.” Those words… she couldn’t really hear them. She couldn’t really accept them. She was not a friend… she was an enemy.

When she had woken up in the morning, Carter was not on the bed with her. At that moment, she had felt like her heart had broken completely. She was used by the playboy. She should have known better than to trust him. But she liked him and she… she was lost in the happiness he gave her.

But then he came out of the bathroom and she felt so relieved that she had cried. He had kissed her and had smiled. It was not a dream. They both had decided to skip school for the day. He wanted to spend time with her but she wanted to go home because her parents would come back. If they noticed their daughter never returned home the previous night, she would have got in a lot of trouble. Reluctantly, he had let her go. He insisted on walking her home but she had rejected his offer. She didn’t want her neighbors to see a boy with her. She would just lie she went to Mia’s home or something until everything was settled.

As she had neared her house, there were more people than usual. The atmosphere was gloomy. Those people had gathered in front of Sana’s house.

What happened?  She had wondered.

“It’s sad. The girl was only in high school. To die at such a young age.” She heard someone say.


The words echoed in hear ears. Her eyes widened and she stopped in her tracts, her body freezing.


It couldn’t be what she thought it was, right? Sana could have not. It must be her relative or something. Not her. Not her.

“Excuse me?” she asked a lady standing near her. “What happened?”

The lady gave her a sad look. “Sana Clarke, their young daughter, died in an accident last night.”

Leah felt like her world had come crashing down. Strength left her and she fell down on her knees. Tears escaped her eyes.

“No! No! No! This can’t be! This can’t be!” She mumbled incoherently. People came around her to assist her bit she couldn’t feel anything. Sana had died. She had died. Sana was dead.

“It can’t be! It can’t be!” She muttered shaking her head and a lady tried to calm her.

Sana would come and shout ‘Good Morning Leah’. She’s not dead. She’s not dead.

Leah had gone completely numb. She was sitting near a tree with a couple of friends from the school. Mia was also there, comforting her.

On the other hand, Carter had also heard the news. He had come running to Sana’s house. The boy tried to hide his emotions. But his eyes turned glossy. He came to Leah’s side and enveloped her in his arms.

But Leah didn’t feel any comfort. All she felt was disgust at herself. While Sana was dying last night, she was with Carter, the boy Sana liked. She felt like she had been stabbed with a dagger in her heart. No… she had stabbed Sana on her back.

Leah started crying hysterically. There was no stopping her.

Everyone thought Leah was Sana’s best friend in the town after they moved. But the truth was, Leah was someone who had betrayed Sana.

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