Eight - Broken

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Chapter Eight - Broken

I haven’t been to school in two days. All thanks to my foot. Mia and Emily also came to visit me. During this time, Sana really helped me. She brought me notes, helped me with studies and even brought some snacks. Even if she is Carter’s ex girlfriend, I can never find myself to hate her. She is really amazing girl. She is one of the nicest girls. It still confuses me why she broke things with Carter.

Sana never talked about Carter to me. She talked about all other things. About what happens in school and that usual stuff but never once did she mention Carter’s name. It makes me wonder if she is still pursuing after him. I really hope she isn’t. That’s really selfish of me. Because I know for sure that if Carter and Sana get back together, they will be together always. For me, there won’t even be a chance.

I groaned out aloud in self depreciation. I’m really a hateful character of a story. Thinking things like this. I’m really selfish. So insensitive.

The car stopped in front of the school gate. Due to the condition of my foot, my mother gave me a ride to school. I immediately spotted Sana who was talking to a couple of students. The girl looked really cheerful. It’s not a surprise that she is loved by all. Even after she got rejected by Carter, everyone still loves her. No one makes fun of her like others girls who get rejected.

I decided to go to the class but just then, I heard Sana’s voice. She must have seen me.

“LEAH!” She came skipping to me. The sight was quite funny. She looked really cute. I just had to smile.

“How are you today?” She asked looked at my wrapped foot.

“I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt at all now.” I told her moving my foot easily. It was not a bad sprain and that two day rest really helped. So everything is mostly fine now.

“Can you walk? Shall I lend you a hand?” She asked me in worry.

“No, there’s-“

“Forget it.” She came to my side and put my arm over her shoulder. “Let’s go.”

“But, I’m fine.” I protested.

“I don’t believe you. You are the type who will bottle up her pain inside her.” My eyes widened slightly at her words. She noticed? “If you keep your feelings inside you,” she poked my stomach with her index finger, “your heart will grow lonely. And a lonely heart can’t connect with heart of other people. So help when one needs it and get help when you need it. It won’t hurt if you do it for the right person.”

“If you do it with the right person?” I heard a voice. It was Kelly from our class. She is one of those extrovert girls. She is not my friend exactly but we are on friendly basis. The way she said ‘it’ implied something different.

As Kelly giggled, Sana gasped and smacked her arm with her free hand.

“Get your mind out of gutter.” She scolded her.

“Leah! LEAH!” I heard two more voices from my friends. Emily came barreling towards me and Mia was following her.

Emily stopped when she looked at Saya and blinked. “The pretty, creepy girl.”

“Huh?” Sana’s mouth opened in surprised. My eyes almost bugged out off my head as Emily said that bluntly to Saya.

“You are Leah’s neighbor, right?” Emily said cheerfully, trying to cover up her slip of tongue. But Kelly burst out laughing.

Sana gave Emily a tight smile with a nod and then glared at Kelly.

“Kelly, your boyfriend is with Anna.” Sana told her. I didn’t know what was going on but Kelly left us in search of her boyfriend as if she was on a mission.

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