Five - The New Girl, Sana

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Chapter Five - The New Girl, Sana

“Students, we have a new transfer student. Please be nice to her.” He home teacher said. “Sana! Please step inside”

I was surprised to the same girl from neighborhood. I saw her yesterday too but she didn’t attend any class. Today, she looks really beautiful again and she is going to be my classmate. Maybe we can be buddies. After all we live in same neighborhood. But who am I kidding. I’m not a friend of single person from my neighborhood.

“Good Morning. My name is Sana Clarke and I recently shifted to this town.” Even her voice was so sweet. What a perfect girl! She was a physical perfection like Isabella. No! She was even more beautiful than the queen bee.

Sana sat on an empty desk on the last row. Students were already muttering. They all were praising her beauty. Boys looked predictably enthusiastic. My eyes instinctively travelled to Carter. He was not reacting like other boys at all. But his reaction worried me even more.

He sat like a statue glaring at his desk. His fists were clenched tightly to that point that his knuckles turned white. There was something bothering him. I could tell easily. But what was it. I wanted to ask him but I couldn’t. What right did I have? He was not even my friend. It’s better if I don’t meddle in his life. Even though I told myself that, I was still curious.

It was during lunch time when Carter left the class. His posture was tense throughout the class. I couldn’t help but glance at him every now and then to check if he was alright. I was worried about him. But I didn’t know how to ask what was wrong with him. I ate my lunch in a daze and just then, Isabella entered the class with her troops.

She walked right to Sana’s desk. The beautiful girl was already surrounded by students. As they saw Isabella approaching, they cleared the way for her as if she was a queen. Oh right! She is the queen bee.

She had a light conversation with Sana. I was not interested in it but from the smile on her face I could tell that my plans of being buddies with Sana better go in drain. They both looked lively, oozed confidence, could catch anyone’s eye with their beauty. Compared to them, I was nothing. But still, there were some differences in them.

While Isabella fell under the category of the evil witch, I couldn’t see Sana in the same category. Her face and her smile were too innocent to be considered evil. It was only the look in her eyes I had seen yesterday that made me feel uneasy. Other than that, she seemed liked a nice girl. It may be a different story if Sana and Isabella become friends. That means, I have to stay away from Sana. Another neighbor who is not my friend. I simply hope she doesn’t become my enemy.

When the classes were over, I had to head for club activities. Maybe playing tennis will make me feel better. Carter was not around for another day. President was going crazy over that. I couldn’t even count the number of curse words he had used for Carter. Due to Carter’s absence, girls decided not to participate too. It was like same back in previous year. Only a few students were present.

President sent me to the store room to get his register. I didn’t want to leave the game in between but he would scold me if I didn’t do that. Not the mention his foul mouth. I was about to enter the store room when I heard some voices.

“-aware of your acts. Tell me clearly, what are you doing here?” It was Carter’s voice. Was he with another girl? I won’t be surprised. But just thinking about that made me feel sad.

I leaned against the wall. “Listen Carter, I want to make things alright.” That was a female voice. I was wondering who that voice belonged to. I had heard that voice before but couldn’t put my finger on someone.

The Girl Who Has His HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora