Twelve - Awkward

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// Chapter Twelve - Awkward //

I didn't want to go to school on Monday. The main reason could be to avoid a confrontation with Carter. I hadn't seen him after that incident. Sana was there to check on me. But there was no news from that boy. He's really a heartbreaker. Sometimes I wonder why I fell in love with him.

"GOOD MORNING, LEAH!" Sana shouted my name. I noticed her standing with a group of students, waving her hand. She is quite a popular girl.

My cheeks felt warm mostly because Carter was also in the same corridor. When I looked at him, our eyes met. For some reason, I looked away and he did the same.

I didn't need crutches as much as I did before. But it was still a little difficult to walk properly.

Sana came running to me. The cheerful smile on her face was so bright. No wonder Carter fell in love with her. The painful truth never fails to hurt me.

"Do you need me to help you walk?" She asked eagerly with a smile.

"No, it's okay." I mumbled and looked away.

"Why are your cheeks so red?" She cocked her head to side in confusion. I felt my cheeks warming up even more. Carter was still standing there and I was sure he could hear her properly. I hope he doesn't realize that he is the reason for my embarrassment.

"It's just hot," I fanned myself.

"What?!" Her eyes widened. "I'm that hot?"

For a moment, I really thought she was serious but then she burst out laughing. I laughed with her.

"You're not that hot." I rolled my eyes.

"Not me? Then who? Carter!" She turned to look at him. Just hearing his name made my heart beat faster.

"What?" He gave her an annoyed look.

"Leah thinks you're hot." She told him and my eyes widened at her words.

Carter's eyes flicked to me. I had expected a smirk or even a mocking look by the playboy. But instead, his cheeks turned slightly pink.

Maybe it's just my imagination.

"No way!" I blurted in haste. What is she saying?

"You don't think he is hot?" She asked me innocently.

"Tha-that's not it. I-I-I th-think. I-I-I mean. I guess everyone thinks that." I found it really hard to say anything. I couldn't derby it because she was right. But I didn't know how to admit it.

"That's true. I think so too. You're hot Carter." She smirked at him. He just scowled at her. Then he glanced at me. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might just burst.

Carter walked away without saying anything. My cheeks started flaming red. This is girl is so dangerous.

For the rest of the day, Carter decided to ignore me for some reason. Not that I was talking to him. Actually, I was also ignoring him. It felt so awkward. After that kiss, things had just changed somehow.

** **

"Hey Carter! I've two tickets for amusement park. Wanna come with me?" A girl asked him. She leaned on her desk. First three buttons of her shirt were open. Her cleavage was clearly visible even from my desk. I noticed the guy sitting behind Carter eyeing her chest.

Carter leaned back on his chair and looked the girl dead in the eyes. "I don't. Find someone else." His answer was rather blunt. But the girl didn't give up.

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