Six - Heartache

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Chapter Six - Heartache

“Leah, you look like a zombie.” Mia said as soon as she saw me in the school. This year, we have different classes so we are separated. I miss my friends so much.

“I was up late studying.” I lied.

The truth was I was busy thinking about that kiss. The kiss was so cold. Still, it made my heart go crazy. There must be seriously wrong with me. Am I a masochist? That would be so embarrassing. No matter how hard I tried to forget about that kiss, I couldn’t. The images kept flashing inside my head.

“Don’t study too much. I bet you didn’t even have your breakfast, did you?”

“I didn’t.” I answered honestly.

“Come on. Let’s get something to eat before going to the class.” She pulled me with her.

By the time I reached the class, everyone was already inside. They were all looking at someone. Even Isabella was in the classroom with her troops. I was shocked when my gaze landed on Carter and Sana. Carter was sitting on his desk, as usual and Sana was saying something to him. She then huffed in anger and walked away from him.

“Did she just get rejected by him?” I head a girl say.

“I can’t believe he said ‘no’ to the most beautiful girls of this school.”

“Isn’t he too arrogant?”

“Yeah, he thinks too highly of himself.”

“What kind of girl does he want?”

“Maybe he is into ugly ones.”

The students chattered as I sat on my seat. Sana walked out of the class with Isabella. But I didn’t miss the scary glare Isabella gave me as she left. I gave a sideways glance to Carter. From the looks of it, Sana asked him out and he rejected her. She is the girl who broke his heart. I don’t think he would ever want to be with her again.

For some reason, I felt happy that he rejected her. As if sensing my gaze on him, Carter turned his head to me. I immediately looked away. My cheeks turned red at the memory of yesterday’s kiss. A loveless kiss, but a kiss anyway. I wonder what Carter thinks of it. I really, really wish he starts liking me. The probability of that happening is close to nil. He has kissed so many girls. I’m thinking too much about it.

There was again the familiar pain in my chest. I’m really confusing myself here. One moment I feel happy over the kiss and at the next moment I get really upset. Love has made a mess of me.

** **

Third Person

“See, you got rejected too.” Isabella said haughtily. But Sana knew very well that the girl was actually pleased with that fact.

“That jerk is so arrogant. He thinks that he is the best in the world.” One of Isabella’s sidekicks joined her.

“Has he forgotten that I was his girlfriend just a few months ago?” Another one joined them.

“Me too.”

They continued to relay on how Carter had been with all of them. Sana felt her heart throb at those words. She squeezed her eyes shut. She didn’t want to hear it. She didn’t want to hear about Carter’s meaningless flings after they broke up. It was still too painful for her.

“It’s that girl’s fault.” Sana decided to change the subject. Everyone became quiet.

“What?” A girl frowned. “What are you talking about? A girl?”

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