7- Stage One: Denail

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She continued to hold her breath. "Who do you like?" I asked again chuckling a bit at how dramatic she was being, it can't be that bad. Unless he is like some sort of old pervet teacher or something, then that would be bad.

"Okay fine." She said letting out her breath. She sat down on her bed and put her head in between her legs. She then sat up slowly. Wow she is being dramatic. Normally she would say without asking, a long with a series of stories about them, which lasts like an hour.

"Well?" I laughed at how ridicules she was being.

"You cannot tell anyone" She panicked.

"Don't worry I won't" I laughed.

"Especially not Anna, she can't even know I like anyone." She gritted between teeth, suddenly holding me down on her, pink and fluffy single bed.

"Okay." I agreed pushing her off. "Why does she know him?" I teased.

She nodded,looking ashamed.

"They why don't I know him?" I asked confused. We only know the same people.

"You do." She whispered. "I feel so bad." She cried.

"Who is it?" I asked getting really excited; I really wanted to know now. I couldn't think who she might like.

"I like."


"I like....."

"Who do you like Princess?" I said princess. We were home alone so I didn't have to lower my voice with this conversation.

"RYAN!" She cried.

"I like Ryan." She said covering her face.

I froze.

I didn't respond.

I didn't move.

I don't think I was even breathing.

She likes Ryan?

I like Ryan.

"Shit." I whispered.

"Shit? Shit! Why shit?" She asked getting paranoid.

I shook my head.

"What do you like him too?" She chuckled in a dreamy voice.

I didn't respond, She clapped her hands in my face, bringing my back to reality. "Did you just hear me?" She asked in response getting excited. I shook my head. I was lying, I had heard her fine. "I said." She took a deep breath.

#1 Falling for the guy that hates meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang