Tear Us Apart

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Hey! Finally finish this chapter! Literally took me a 1 or 2 years, I think? Sorry! Hope you guys like it. Just to warning you it going to get dark.

Also sorry for the grammar and spelling!

Song: Hopeless by Breaking Benjamin

Song: Hopeless by Breaking Benjamin

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Lui Pov:

Bryce and I hasty running around the forest to find any clue about where Nogla and Ohm could be? 'Please Nogla stay safe.' worryingly saying to myself. I know what the Darkness can do to him or anyone the Darkness can get his hand on. The Darkness captured hybrid or humans to becoming his slaves for his army. I should have never let Nogla out of my sight! This is my fault! I never want Nogla to be apart of it. Never! He just a little pup.

"Do you see anything, Bryce?" I frantically shouting while rapidly running up to him. As I stare at Bryce, he look anxious and heartbroken.

"Nothing!* Tears in his eyes* I'm worrying about Ohm? He gone! I can't sense him anywhere! What if they took him too! Oh God! What if!" Bryce shout fearfully while instantly follow down to the ground and quickly forming into a ball of panic.

"Bryce! Keep it together!" I voice frantically while quickly pulling my hand his shoulders.

"I can't! Not when Ohm missing! He's my rock! My safe haven!" Bryce respond sorrowfully then closing himself behind his legs.

"Ok. Let take a small break." I said softly then slowly seat down next to Bryce. Bryce softly cry to himself for a while. 'Better let Bryce calm down before we search again. This might be the first time I had ever seen Bryce and Ohm not be together. When I am not with Nolga, I do get worried but not to the point of breaking down. But still...' speaking to myself.

"Lui" Bryce voice weakly. He sluggishly unwrapped himself then lean his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah" answer slowly while carefully leaning my head on his head.

"How are you so calm without Nogla?" Bryce question curiously while slowly wipe away his tears from his puffy and red eyes.

"To be honest. I'm terrify. Nogla isn't exactly a strong fighter. I should know since the day I meet him. He need my help" voice softly while staring down at my hand.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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