Unleash the Flames

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Vanoss Pov:

"Wow! I didn't even notice that we make all this way to the Phoenix Tree! " surprise and shock saying to them while taking in the scenery of nature around me. 'I feel like, I'm being here before.' softly saying in my head while taking in a deep breath so I could relax. Then I felt a light tug on my jacket and look to see that smiley Terroriser looking at me while use his head to point at the Phoenix Tree.

"Come on, Vanoss! " joyful Terroriser saying, walking away from me while putting Moo hand to follow him. We casually walk on the long bridge over the deep trench, surround by waterfall, heading to the Phoenix trees. While walking on the bridge another flashback come to me.

I was a little boy again wear the same long black coat that stop at the my ankle with a hood attach to the coat in my previous flashback. Also with the same young and tall lady who is wear the same black coat like me again from my other flashback at the waterfalls. We were walking on the same bridge that Terroriser, Moo and I are walking on, right now! Just like with Delirious when the flashbacks at the waterfall appear. The lady gently hold my little hand all the way to the Phoenix Tree. Then she slowly let go of my hand and I sadly whimper. "Don't worry. I won't taking to long. Please wait for me here, ok sweetheart?" softly and kindly she said to me while I nod happily. She leave me at the front of the Phoenix Tree while walk into the Phoenix Tree.

The flashback end, leaving me with a sorrow expression on my face. I immediately stop walking and trying to take in every moment of what happen in the flashback. I guess that Terroriser and Moo heard me stop walking so they turn around and curiously looking at me .

"Are you ok, Vanoss ?" concern Moo say to me while Terroriser give me a curious looks. I notice that their face are turning into worries ones so I quickly decide to put a smile on my face. I don't like people to worry about me.

"Yeah! I'm fine! Let's continue walking!" happily say to them while walking in front of them. They quickly follow right behind me with concern face. 'Why do I keep having flashbacks in this places? Why do they happen? Why do I keep having flashback if I honestly don't remember them in the first places? But I know they did because I can felt every moment of the flashback happening.' deeply thinking in my head while Terroriser and Moo slowly walk ahead of me. Finally, we make it to the entrance of the Phoenix tree by an opening at the end of the long bridge. The Phoenix Tree have a door like opening but there was clearly no door. The inside of the Phoenix tree is small and smooth.

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