I wanna run away.... Say Something!

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Vanoss currently falling down to his Doom....

Vanoss currently falling down to his Doom

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~Play song~ (I wanna run away)

Vanoss Pov:

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! " fearfully yelling while falling down the building. I quickly shut my eye and wait for the impact of the ground to hit me. Suddenly I feel somethings being push out from my back and my low back too. I immediately open my eyes and scream in pain while push myself back and forward because whatever is coming out of my back is extremely painful. I cautiously take a slight peek of what behind my back... I instantly notice Gigantic red wing and long scaly tail wrapping itself around my legs. I swiftly flip myself in the air while the wing behind my back extend itself to open. The wing slowing stop me from free falling down to the ground. I calmly land on my feet but bend down to the ground while my body fell over but quickly use my hand to stop myself from hitting the ground. I slowly pick myself up then stare up at the colorful sky so I could calm myself down. Then I hesitate glare at the wing on my back and a tail swing back and front. I move the wing and tail in front of me and touch them.

"This can't be real! " say to myself while pushing pressure on them by grab them tightly

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"This can't be real! " say to myself while pushing pressure on them by grab them tightly. I quickly feel the pain go through my body and instantly stand up while my wing extend themselves ready to fly. ' Should I ever try to fly?.......... Well it's the only way to get out of this place the quickest.' softly say to myself. I slowly beginning to flap the wing while slowly rise up from the ground. 'Have I done this before? I mean... this is my first time having wing...right? ' curiously say to myself. Then I quickly remember my dream from the room. My gigantic red wing cover a small and sorrow Delirious from the rain.

"So I guess that wasn't a dream after all right? " saying to myself while continue to flying higher up from the ground. Wow! I didn't realize that I was so high in the sky. I start to put more of my attention to what is in front of me. I immediately notice the bridge in the distance while pushing my body forward cause my wing to fly toward the bridge.

Delirious Pov:

Delirious Pov:

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