Let you go

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At the house~

At the house~

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Vanoss Pov:

"Well! I guess it just you and me Delirious" I said happily while putting him down on the floor. 'Man, he so heavy to carry!' I says to myself. I start to massage my arm on my way to doing my morning routine. I walk upstairs to my room with Delirious hopping right behind me. I walk straight to my closet, grab some clothes and walk in to the bathroom which is connect to my room. I walk into the bathroom which was very small, one small sink, toilet and a shower, no tub. I put my cloth down on the sink counter and see Delirious in the bathroom with me. I pick him up gently and put him outside the bathroom. I could heard him scratch on the door so I could let him in but I said

"No! Delirious! I'LL BE OUT SOON! " I said to him annoy. Delirious finally stop scratch on the door and I finally got into the shower. While in the shower I was think about what She said to me. 'Keep him or let him go? I want to keep him but I know Delirious doesn't like to be lonely still he follow me everywhere I go. Maybe he just bored here. I would be too if I was a wild animal stuck in a house' I finally taking a shower and change into clean clothes. I'm wearing a red long-sleeve white T-shirt and black pants. I comb my hair into a Mohawk then put on my white and red shoes. I walk out of the bathroom and see Delirious waiting for me on my bed. I smile at him then pick up the dirty dishes in my room and head toward the door. I walk downstairs with the dirty dishes in my hand while Delirious follow me to the kitchen. I put down the dirty dishes in the sink, then walk to the refrigerator to grab some food for Delirious and me. Sadly I'm not the great cook in the house so I grab the milk and lettuce for Delirious. I put the milk on the counter and the lettuce in the sink so I could wash it. When I finish washing the lettuce, put it on a plate and gave it to Delirious. I pour out some cereal in a bowl and pour the milk in the bowl. While Delirious eat lettuce since he like lettuce more than carrot. I was eat my cereal while check on my phones and look through the news. Some caught my eye a video called a string of murder around the town.

      "Their have being a string for murder around our town. The victim were brutally dismemberment and hard to identify who they are. Their are about 12 case that are similar to this case. Polices are still trying to find out any information on who or what are their purpose. Their are no connect to any of the victim but their  are some ruin said that their all believe in one all power person. To what this power person is unknown yet. Their will be give out a live report about these cases. All the polices request to do is stay that home at night and protect yourself if you decide to come out at night. Report from channel 11 by Reporter Nora Blue."

"Wow, 13 person murder! I wonder why?" I said to myself. I put my phone away back in to my pocket, finish eating, then went to clean ours dirty dishes in the sink. Before I went to the living room to clean the mess that Delirious left behind. I put on some music in my phones and attach speaker to my phones. The song Too Close by Alex Clare play while clean the living room. The door bell ring suddenly so I walk up to the front door of the house and look through the peak hole. My eyes open wide because I see the same guys before chase Delirious at my front door. Those guy who wore the black military clothes. I stand there frozen for a bit and move back until the noise for the door bell ringing stop me right in my tracks. I guess Delirious knew what was happen so he quickly ran upstairs into my room. I slowly walk forward and reach for the front door knob, grab it, slowly turn it then pull the front door slowly open it. I open the door slightly and said

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