Falling into pieces

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Hey! Long time still I wrote the last chapter. Sorry! Life got in the way. Enjoy! :)


Delirious Pov:

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Delirious Pov:

I slowly beginning to open my sleepy ocean eyes while slowly getting up from my comfortable bed

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I slowly beginning to open my sleepy ocean eyes while slowly getting up from my comfortable bed. I swiftly stretched my tired arm and ache back then immediately notice something was wrong. Wait. I am.... human! I instantly jump out of my cozy bed and quickly examine my human body. Usually when I use most of my energy, its take a couple of day to recover. Not a day or even overnight!

"Ouch" softly yelling out while gently pulling my hand on my neck. Why did that hurt? I gently touch my neck again and now its hurt so badly. I urgently walk into my bathroom and swiftly turn on the light. My sleepy eyes slowly adjust to the bright yellow light. I nervously stare at myself in my mirror while slowly taking my hand off my neck.

"What the--" utter confusingly while quickly notice a purple bruised on my neck. Wait... Is that... a hickey! How did I get this!? And right on queue, I heard a faint groan coming from my room. I instantly peek out my caution head into my room and notice a sleepy Vanoss comfortable laying on my bed. I quickly pull my redden face back inside the bathroom while swiftly putting my nervous hand on my rapidly beating heart. Did Vanoss give me a hickey?! Was that all or did he do something more to me?! My confuse face immediately burden up with question. I have to know!

"Vanoss" voice softly.

"Vanoss" speaking louder while shaking him.

"VANOSS" angrily screaming out at him.

"What?" Vanoss roar annoy while instantly sit up from the bed. I instantly fall backward and painfully landed on my butt.

"Ow!" whispering sorely while softly rubbing my butt. Vanoss slowly turn his sleepy head toward my direction while his tired eyes sluggishly stare onto my confuse ocean eyes. We instantly blush at each other then swiftly look away.

".....Vanoss, what did we do last night?" asking curiously while cautiously stare at him.

"We sleep. Why?" he answer sheepish while swiftly rubbing his tired eyes and stretch his stiff body.

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