Speechless pt 2

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The wall was still firmly pressed against your back as Jack's hands squeezed your thighs making you moan. Kicking of the wall you spun around the room, his own body pressed up on the wall. Both hands cupped his cheeks as your lips synched perfectly, you felt every thud of his heart as his blonde hair fluttered against your forehead. Blue eyes looked up at you, blinking as he caught his breath. "Jack" you began to say but you were soon cut of as he smashed his plump lips back on your mouth. Moaning into the kiss you felt the heat rising in your stomach and a small feeling of guilt staining your skin.

Your eyes opened for a spilt second but it was long enough. Conor's black bag slumped on the floor, the front door opened slightly. "Oh shit" You said pushing Jacks hungry lips of yours. "what?" he asked sounding disappointed , his arm's still wrapped around your waist. Hopping down of him you chucked on a jumper and grabbed the bag, your heart rapidly racing. "fuck" You hissed throwing the bag down and sprinting down the hallway. Jack called your name running after you, pulling on his shirt quickly.

Conor and Joe were still on the pavement Conor's head limply hung as less tears began to drip from his crystal blue eyes. Joe had his arm hugged around his shoulder. "Why" Conor whispered. Joe looked at him furrowed brow and confusion laced in his voice, "huh" Conor stared up at him "Why does it hurt?" his face crumpled running both hands through his brown hair. "Cuz you love her" Joe said immediately.

The elevator was taking to long so you ran as quick as lightning towards the stairwell. Skipping each step till you reached the lobby, You could hear Jacks footsteps behind you. Stopping abruptly at the door to the lobby you let out a sob. Taking in a breath you pushed opened the door, the creak made Joe's head spin towards you his eyes glaring at you. "Con" You said, you saw his whole body stiffen, you cringed as Jack stood behind you.

Conor left... walked of down the street as you chased after him, Joe pushed Jack away hissing "don't make it worse"

Finally grabbing Conor by the arm you span him to face you, his face was red raw from crying and the happy go lucky smile was extinct from his persona. "I'm sorry" you blurted, not knowing what to say. He let out a sniff before saying "for what sleeping with my brother"

"i didn't sleep with him Con" you defended letting his am go, The warmth from your hand leaving a electrical surge of forgiveness in Conor. "You kissed him" he said tears falling from his cheek's, you caught them in the palm of your hand. "I know... I know and I was so fucking stupid and I was drinking and I missed you and I just ..." Tears spilled from your own eyes know leaving you both standing on the corner of your road, both crying messes.

"I'm so sorry" you sobbed. Strands of hair stuck to your cheeks as the wind blew cold sharp waves of chilling air towards you. Conor watched you cry his hand's trembling.

Fuck he loved you.

He loved you so much, the way you laughed at all his corny jokes and silly snapchats, How you would cry every-time you watched The Winter Solider because you would always say "Bucky didn't deserve that" He loved your smile and how you lived for movie days and late nights just talking. He loved the light in your eye when he played you some new tracks or even when you looked at him. All he saw was beauty in you, and this moment in time, made all those moments race to his mind.

All the jokes.

All the snapchat story's.

All the The Winter Solider re-watches.

All the smiles and laughs.

All the late night chats.

All. The. Love.

Jack suddenly appeared saying "I kissed her Con okay... I shouldn't have taken advantage of your relationship just because she had been drinking... I should of just been the friend to help out" he finished watching his brother nervously. "Its okay" he plainly said.

Jack sighed running his hand over his face, "I'll leave you guys alone" he said awkwardly, jogging up the street back to Joe, they both disappeared through the door leaving you both alone. "was what he just said true?" Conor asked his voice cracking at the thought of his brother lying to him.

"Yes" you hiccuped, " He kissed me and I just kissed him back and I shouldn't have but I just pictured you, wishing it was you" you whispered the last part sniffing and cuddling your hand's under your armpits. A silence filled the street that you could hear the whistle of the wind. "I believe you Y/N" Conor said, truthfully.

You stared at him, your eyes glossing over as he have you the smallest smile you'd ever seen him give you... but it was a smile.

"I hurt you" You said looking as his bloody knuckles from punching the wall, "Yeah you did" He agreed letting you gingerly hold his scraped hand. He winced as you pulled a tissue out of your jumper pocket, dabbing the red dots that were still leaking the scarlet red liquid. "But I still love you" he mumbled as you threw the tissue in a bin.

"I love you too" you muttered a tear tattooing the skin on your cheek. His thumb dragged along the tear trail leaving his finger tip damp. "I understand if you want to break..." the words hadn't even left your lips before he pulled you close his forehead resting against your own, "don't you ever leave me"

Looking into your E/C eyes he gave your hand's a squeeze, "you would have stopped if I wasn't there right?" he whispered, "yes.. I tried to stop but I was lonely and stupid" before you could finish his lips pressed against your soft ones. His right hand clutching your jaw, the left clamped onto your waist. Pulling away for air he said "people do bad things... but good people know when they've made a mistake"

You arms wrapped around his neck, on your tip toes to reach him, you felt a few salty tears leak onto your neck, you kissed them away as you both stood there, utterly speechless, but less upset.

AWH i'm not that mean of course you'd be back together

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