don't panic

1.7K 34 7

omg I've been gone for ages I'm sooo sorry!! requested by @molly1105 enjoy.  

You sat by your desk editing a video you'd filmed with Joe last week. You laughed as the clips rolled. About half way through editing a notification popped up on your phone, it was from Twitter a message from a fan reading.

Conor can do so much better ngl

You frowned ignoring the nasty hate message, you had gotten used to the hate. A few seconds later another message popped up. Again from Twitter. 

You're such a pig no one even likes you

You bit you lip as a avalanche of texts tweets and messages came through. 


Conor doesnt even love you

Dating him for the fame she is 

@Y/N kill yo self bitch 

god your annoying how does Conor even like you

Your heart thudded like a steal drum as you threw the phone onto your bed. Tears being to slope down your cheeks as you went into the bath room to try and calm down. Leaning against the door you slid down it curling your legs up to your chin. The room was becoming blurry as you hiccuped and sniffled as more and more tears escaped your glazed eyes. Suddenly you heard the front door open and Conor call your name "Babe I got Nando's" 

You kept silent not wanting to let him hear you panicking over little hate comments. "Y/N" he called out walking over into your room You heard him pick your phone the buzzing continued, Knock.

"open up" he whispered. Shaklely you twisted the doorknob and let him in. As soon as he laid his eyes on you he dropped to the floor, cradling you to him chest. "shh" he said soothingly. Your body shook and you could barley breath. Lifting your chin up with his finger he whispered "Y/N breathe" you took a couple deep breaths. Conor held you closer to him wrapping his arms around your little body as he nuzzled his head into you soft hair. "pay no attention to them" he said. Nodding you gave him a weak smile. Grinning back he pulled you up of the cold bathroom floor. 

Sitting down on the couch you nuzzled closer to him as he played with your hair tickling you with some of the strands. "l love you" he mumbled into the top of your head. You grinned kissing him gently, "love you more Con" he smiled at you and you smiled right back at him. 

Sorry that was sooo bad but omg 8.7K wtf thank you so much 


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