The Hunt

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October 25, 2859. After the incidents on Imperium and Olympia, I had been on my ship for weeks as I continued towards Primordial, towards the first relic on my list, as I approached the system, I thought about what to do with it, the first thing that came to mind was selling it for credits, I denied the idea, too many corrupt people, especially after that incident with the NHR back on Olympia. I soon finally landed on Primordial, the planet was covered with mountains of exposed minerals as mining ship's filled the skies and dug out the exposed materials to be sold for money. I landed on a small civilian landing pad and walked to the relics location, which was not far from my ships position. It took a while to reach the location traversing the rough terrain of the system, but as I neared the location of the relic with excitement, I was only met with disappointment after seeing the location had already been dug up by someone, I decided to investigate the site. Only empty supply crates remained along with a datapad recklessly left behind. I took a look at the data and saw interesting logs on it. I played the most recent one.
"Day 78. The objective has been recovered, 51st militia teams have moved it to the flagship, Napoleon, to be transported to Niflheim in 5 days." The record ended.
I then realized the ship would take off in a few hours from now. I ran back to my ship and took off towards the Napoleon's location, a massive refueling station built by the 51st to support its supply routes to the front lines. I landed the ship nearby and disembarked on foot.

I arrived in a small trading settlement near the station, I stood nearby the stations front entrance to examine its defense's, don't want to end up in a similar position like Ghira Station. A man then grabbed my shoulder, I about attacked, but the person behind me showed his pistol pointed at my hip.
"I can help you, just get me off this planet." He explained before he walked towards the entrance and quickly shot down a pair of 51st guards. Alarms instantly blared as squad of 51st militia ran out and pointed their rifles at the stranger. The stranger then removed his cloak to reveal a man with white hair wearing stolen 51st garments with a snake eye painted on it, I stood in awe, it was the 51st militias most wanted pirate, it was the Venom. He nudged his head towards me before he attacked the troopers. I knew that was a signal and I quickly snuck past the fight and into the station. Now all I had to do was find the relic onboard.

I rode the lift up to the flagships docking hatch and entered the silver corridors of the Napoleon, I figured it be stored in the ship's cargo hold and went there, luckily all large warship's kept them located near the back of the ship, close to the engines. As I got there, I saw two 51st heavy troopers guarding the door, I knew it was a dead end without any explosives, but the Venom soon appeared behind me and rushed both heavies like they were nothing, he easily killed them both. No wonder he was most wanted by the 51st.
"Well, let's get whatever your after." Venom said.
I walked past him and opened the door, as they slid open, I saw the relic, a large glowing crystal. As I went to get it, the ship's intercom turned on.
"All hands, report to stations, take off in 3 minutes!"
We both instantly dropped grabbing it and ran to escape the flagship, we luckily got on the lift as the ship separated from the station. Venom instantly loaded his gold pistol. "Get ready for a fight." He said.
I nodded and drew my sword as we exited the station and squads of 51st troopers opened fire on us. We quickly fought past them and ran to my ship and took off instantly, fleeing Primordial after the Napoleon as it ascended into space, as we got close to it, two additional escort cruisers that surrounded the Napoleon attacked my ship. We quickly pulled back and got out of their weapons range as the small fleet jumped into warp speed.

Venom leaned back in the co-pilot's seat and sighed.
"Alright, what's next captain?" He asked.
I instantly became confused after he called me captain. "I'm no captain, I have no crew."
"But, you have potential, I sense you've tried dozens of times, but you always drove them away." Venom explained. "Am I right?"
I then remembered Arc, before she joined the Redeemed back near Imperium. He then grabbed my shoulder and stole my sword, pointing it towards my neck.
"I know your potential, I will teach you to become a капитан" Venom said
I slowly got up and snatched back my sword.
"Alright, I'll buy into it, and if I fail?" I asked with annoyance.
"Then I was wrong, simple as that." He replied. "So, where to капитан?"
I sighed before getting back into the pilot's seat. "We head towards Niflheim, follow the Napoleon."
He nodded and smirked. "Full speed, капитан." He said as I activated warp speed and charted a course towards Niflheim...

Broken WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon