Battle of Jupiter Part 1

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Arthur led me deep into New Earth, directly towards a fortified section of New Earth being guarded by the NEK, he eventually let me inside alone.
“Don’t try to steal it, okay.” Arthur said.
“Don’t plan on it.” I said, despite thinking about doing just that. “I’ll try to be quick.”
He nodded in agreement as I entered. In an instant, I noticed most of the corridor light’s were barely lit and not a single door would open, probably either because the place was very far from done or to prevent any snooping. In any case, I continued towards where the supposed greater relic was, which wasn’t long. I arrived in a large unfinished reactor room to find a greater relic placed before me. I was a bit in awe and about took it without hesitation, were it not for a thief in a stealth cloak appearing behind me with an energyblade drawn. I immediately drew my own and scared the thief off as he quickly maneuvered himself near the greater relic.
“Thanks for opening the door by the way.” The thief said.
“Let me guess, you're with the 51st?” I asked with my energyblade ready.
“Close. I’m actually with the Insurgency.” He replied. “But given circumstances, I guess you're right too. Anyway, I believe this is mine.”
I immediately drew my ion pistol and shot towards the thief, which forced him away from the relic.
“Not happening.” I said aiming towards the thief.
“Guess it’s the hard way then.” He said. “Was hoping you’d let this be easy.”
The thief immediately jumped from where he was and attacked me. I easily blocked most of his quick and precise attacks, although a few were able to graze me. I eventually tried to shoot the thief down, only for him to quickly avoid the shots before eventually once again appearing next to the relic.
“It’s been fun, but I’ve got a prize to steal.” He said grabbing a few bombs from his cloak. “Later.”
The thief quickly grabbed the relic as the bombs exploded near him, filling the entire room with smoke. I took a few shots towards where he was going, but had no luck and followed the thief outside.

I was quickly met with Arthur and his guards, which were all on the ground due to the thief. I decided to help him up and immediately asked.
“What happened there?” He asked.
“A thief. He got the relic and is taking it to the Insurgency.” I replied before seeing a transport leaving New Earth. "Where do you think it's headed?"
"If I'm right, Jupiter, the heart of the Insurgency." Arthur replied. "This war is getting ridiculous."
We instantly left for New Earth's military complex to discuss a way to get the relic back from the Insurgency and possibly the 51st. As hundreds of NEK knights and my crew assembled in the war chamber. Me and Arthur headed for the chamber’s holomap to brief everyone.
"Alright listen up." Arthur ordered. "The Insurgency has the relic. We need to retake it and stop them. Our plan is to seize the Jupiter ring station. Who's up?"
"Yes, sir!" Several NEK knights yelled.
"Then listen carefully." He explained. "We'll deploy our flagship, Excalibur, along with the 1st Fleet to retake the sector. While Daniel Norway and his crew secure the relic and take the station from the inside." Arthur replied.
"Seems easy enough. You up for it, captain?!” Isia yelled.
“Of course. We can do this.” I replied.
“Yeah, we got this!” An NEK knight yelled.
“Yeah, let’s do this!”
“Then let’s move our people!” Arthur yelled.
We instantly loaded the Destiny 1 onto the Excalibur, a prototype dreadnought built by the NEK and flew with the NEK 1st Fleet to Jupiter to take out the Insurgency.

April 12th, 2860. Me and my crew were preparing the Destiny 1 and Abnormal to attack the Insurgency, I figured I'd speak to Sauna before the attack.
"Sauna, are you doing okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, just surprised we're fighting a war again." Sauna replied.
"I know, been over ten years right?" I explained. "Trust me, it will be over soon."
"Then we will be together." Sauna continued.
She hugged me smiling a bit, I petted her head before we met up with Hanzo and the others.
"капитан, were ready." Hanzo said, seeing us.
"Good.” I said following Hanzo to find the others.
Before long, my crew was gathered and the ship was ready for the battle to come.
“So what’s the plan for taking the station?” Isia asked.
“I got that covered. As well as supporting the space battle.” I explained. “While me, Isia, Beta, and Sauna reclaim the station. Hanzo will use the Abnormal and support the first fleet.”
“Interesting plan. Sure you don’t need all hands on deck, капитан?” Hanzo asked.
“I’m sure we got this. Besides, I’ll call if I need help.” I replied.
“Understood, капитан.” He said.
"We’re good to go, sir." Beta replied.
The battle was upon us.
"Let's get it done." I said.
The 1st Fleet soon arrived near Jupiter, we immediately saw a massive Insurgency blockade in front of us, protecting the Jupiter Ring Station.
"All forces deploy immediately." Arthur ordered.
The fleet immediately deployed it's fighter as we deployed the Destiny 1. As the NEK's fighter squadrons moved on the Insurgency, they had begun opening fire on us with everything they had, the real battle was about to begin.

Hanzo took off on the Abnormal once the Destiny 1 entered the warzone.
"Hanzo, keep those Insurgency ship's distracted." I ordered.
"Got it, капитан." Hanzo replied, flying towards the Insurgency fleet.
Allowing us to slip past them, but several Insurgency fighters saw us and attacked. Isia and Beta easily destroyed them with the ship’s rear turrets before we landed in the station's hangar.
"Arthur, we’re inside the station." I said contacting him.
"Good work, secure the station's control center, activate its emergency weapons to weaken their fleet." Arthur ordered.
"Got it." I replied. "Okay team, lets go."
We then entered the station’s main complex, shooting down any Insurgency troopers in our path towards the command center. Before long, we were pinned down by several 51st elite troopers.
“Our weapons ain't gonna stop them, sir." Beta said.
"We need a way around them." Sauna explained.
I instantly moved towards the walls and began cutting through them.
"This way." I said running into the hole I made.
Everyone followed through while Sauna threw a smoke bomb in between us and the 51st elites. As a result of our retreat, we ended up in an old secondary hangar that was locked down.
"This should allow Arthur to land reinforcements, sir." Beta said.
"We could use the support, captain." Isia said.
"Good point, cover me while I open the hangar." I ordered.
I went for the hangar controls and opened the hangar doors, only for the 51st elites and some Insurgency troopers to enter the hangar and fire on us. We instantly took cover and began firing back.
"Any time, sir." Beta said.
I kept working on the hangar door quicker until more Insurgency reinforcements came.
"Daniel!" Sauna yelled as a shot nearly took me down.
The door finally opened as I took cover, allowing Hanzo to fire the Abnormal’s weapons on the enemy, taking out most of the enemy forces quickly.
"Great timing, Hanzo." I relayed, patching up my wound.
"Same, капитан." Hanzo replied.
"But I'd hurry, we're getting overwhelmed fast." Hanzo then flew back towards the space battle, while we moved on the command center.
Before long, we arrived at the command center and quickly killed the 51st officers inside before they could call reinforcements.
"Let's get to work." I said. "Beta, hack in."
"Yes, sir." Beta replied.
Beta quickly began activating the station's weapons, but soon the station's intercom soon went off.
"Norway, if you still want to fight, come get me in the stations commons."
Deathseeker wanted a fight, I was gonna give him one.
"I'll finish him, secure the station." I ordered.

I eventually arrived in the stations commons, Deathseeker was there waiting, holding two flaming energyblades.
"Daniel Norway, our battle ends here and now." Deathseeker said.
I jumped down to his level and drawed my own energyblade. "I could say the same, I'm ending you here."
We both charged and blocked each other's initial attack before fighting with a barrage of sword slashes, neither of us could pull off a killing blow. I quickly stepped back and drawed my ion pistol, fired at him. He blocked the shots and deflected one to hit my waist, I groaned in pain as the shot incinerated my waist.
"Did you think that would really work?" Deathseeker asked.
"No, but I won't lose." I replied, getting up and ignoring the wound before fighting him once more
We kept fighting more until I cut his right arm off, he yelled in pain.
"Arrrgh!" Deathseeker yelled. "You idiot!"
I prepared to end him knowing I had the advantage. He was quick to back off and flee to fight another day. I didn’t bother chasing him and let him go for now.

I was quick to return to my crew, they had the weapons active and Insurgency fleet on the run, with the NEK fleets taking out any stragglers.
"Arthur, station is secure, returning to Excalibur." I relayed.
"Negative, we got another problem inbound, it's the Scattered." Arthur replied.
Before long, a Scattered dreadnought and fleet entered the warzone, the new enemy fleet was immediately preparing its massive laser weapons to destroy the station. "Plan, sir?" Beta asked.
"We take out that thing. Full force." I ordered.
We instantly reached the Destiny 1 and prepared to assault the dreadnought.
"Hanzo, distract the dreadnought, give us and the NEK cover." I contacted Hanzo.
"On it, captain." Hanzo replied as he continued supporting the NEK forces.
One threat was down, now to take on the next…

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