Beginning of The End

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November 1st, 2860. I eventually woke up with Sauna laying right next to me. I thought it was a dream until I saw my chest was covered with medical straps healing my wounds.
"I'm not dead." I said out loud.
Sauna heard me and woke up before hugging me tight.
"Daniel!" She yelled. "I love you. I love you so much." "Same, but. Ow." I said smiling but in pain.
She broke away and blushed.
"I'm glad you're okay." Sauna said smiling.
"Same to you." I said smiling back.
I eventually wondered how long I was out.
"Hey, so what happened?" I asked as Beta arrived. "Wounded elite shot you in the back, sir." Beta explained. "You've been out for a week. Acting captain has been at your side at all times."
"Speaking of, thanks for staying with her." I said.
"No problem, sir." Beta replied." Also, Ironwood ordered you both at command, sir."
Beta soon left before I got up, only to nearly fall over. Luckily, Sauna helped me up and we both walked towards command. We eventually arrived at a landed corvette with NEK guards surrounding it. We entered it and went to its command bridge, seeing Ironwood, Arthur, and Alexander waiting.
"Norway's, glad to see you both again." Arthur said amazed. "Especially you, Daniel."
"Same, guess it's been awhile." I said sitting down.
"It would be best to catch you up on our current situation if you don't mind." Ironwood explained.
"Proceed." I replied as he pulled up a star map detailing the new alliance's current battlefronts.
"After the siege, we deployed our forces to deal with the NHR across several systems
"But our alliance won't hold out without support, after retaking Olympia we lost a lot of important ships." Ironwood explained.
"Especially the Spyglass." Alexander said.
"Add a war on several fronts and we're losing more ships faster than we can rebuild them." Arthur said.
"So, we need to find colonies willing to join us, support our war." Sauna pointed out. "Gain resources and allies from them."
"A lot of colonies have already joined the NHR." Arthur explained. "And I've already sent my best agents to find new allies."
"But at their current pace, we may lose this war quicker than we realized."
"I think I have an idea to help us." I said pointing at the NHR's primary shipyards. "We could attack Hynita."
"The NHR shipyard. That would be risky." Alexander said, concerned. "But it would stop the production of enemy ship's. Plus if we take it, we can grow our fleet." I explained.
Ironwood and Arthur thought about my plan, it was risky given the state of the war, but it was the best strategic target we had.
"Do it. See if you can take that shipyard, while we try to find more possible allies here." Arthur ordered.
"You got a deal." I replied leaving with Sauna.
As we left, she pulled me aside for some reason. "Sauna? Are you okay?" I asked, concerned given her position from before.
"I'm fine." Sauna replied. "It's just...I'm glad we're helping them."
"Once this is over, we'll spend our lives together, just us." I said smiling.
"Yeah. Just us." Sauna said, looking upset.
I tapped her head to cheer her up.
"You sure you're okay, don't you want that?" I asked, worried.
"Yeah, I was just distracted." Sauna replied, kissing me. "Let's get going okay."
We then continued towards the Destiny 1, meeting up with Beta and Isia as they were working on repairing the ship.
"We good to go, sir?" Beta asked.
"Yeah, we're headed out." I ordered.
"Okay, let me just fix this panel." Isia said as she finished.
We went ahead and boarded the ship and prepared to take off for Hynita. Isia soon got onboard giving the all clear to take off.
I piloted the ship towards a small fleet ready for what was to come, the war was just beginning, but this was also the beginning of the end to come. One only I could stop...

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