Hive Fleet

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I followed Arc for a while until we reached a small weapons shop with graffiti on the front door reading 'Mike's Arms and Deals'.
"What is this?" I asked.
"It's the best weapons shop there is," Arc replied.
I was confused and just decided to follow her lead as we entered I was instantly amazed, the shop had more guns, armor, and blades than any place I've ever seen.
"Well if it ain't my best customer." The shopkeeper said seeing us.
"Hey, Mike," Arc said. "Just came to see what's in stock."
"Of course. Speaking of, who's your friend over there near the blades?" Mike said happily after seeing me near his stock of energyblades.
"Names Daniel," I replied.
"Well, welcome to my weapons utopia," Mike said.
"Thanks," I said looking at the energyblades for a bit until I noticed my blade was broken from the skirmish earlier. "Ahhh crud!"
"What's the matter?" Arc asked concerned.
"My blade broke after that encounter in the crash site," I said disappointed.
"How bad is it?" Mike asked.
"Here," I replied showing him the blade, he looked over it for a bit.
"Pretty busted. But not fully destroyed." He explained seeing the damage.
"It's fixable?" I asked surprised and looking desperate.
"Mostly. It could take a while." He said. "Wait here."
So I waited until my weapon was fixed by looking at the weapon racks in the shop to pass the time.

We waited for I don't know how long, Arc was able to find a new neonsniper in the process of waiting. Soon Mike returned with my repaired weapon.
"How'd it go?" I asked.
"Blade was hard to repair alone. So I had to modify it so it could work." Mike replied.
"As in?" I asked concerned.
"As in the blade is longer, has a new energy converter, and lighter material. Try it out." Mike explained.
I then grabbed my weapon and tested its modification, they felt perfect.
"Impressive. How much for the repairs?" I asked.
"It's on the house," Mike said.
We then heard warning sirens going off outside.
"Sounds like trouble," Arc said.
"Better get moving fellas." Mike suggested.
We then ran outside and saw multiple Brotherhood freelancers running passed us and the weapons shop.
"Hey! What's happening!?" I yelled.
"Scattered fleets just jumped into orbit. There gonna attack." A freelancer replied running to meet with his fellow freelancers.
"This can't be good," I said concerned.
"Must be related to that incident earlier. Let's follow them." Arc said running off.
I followed her towards where the freelancers were headed.

We eventually arrived at a landing site with hundreds of New Brotherhood fighters ready for battle.
"Here's the drill! We're up against a Scattered dreadnought and several Scattered destroyers above the planet's orbit. We're gonna try and hold them off until our AA cannons are charged and ready. We clear!" A Brotherhood commander ordered.
"Yes, Sir!" The freelancers replied.
The troops then boarded their ship's and took off, Arc instantly ran towards my ship.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm headed up there, come on," Arc replied.
"Not coming." I bluntly said. "And you're not taking my ship."
"Can't stop me." She said running onboard.
"Arc!" I yelled running after her. When I got onboard, the ship began taking off.
"You are so easily tricked." She taunted smirking.
"Alright fine!" I yelled. "Move over."
I then took over the ship's controls and went towards the Scattered fleets.
"Unauthorized ship land now." The radio said. "Respond or be grounded by force."
"This is Daniel Norway. I'm headed up there to support the attack." I said over the intercom.
The radio went silent.
"Permission granted, just don't get shot down." The radio said.
We then followed the Brotherhood fleets to the warzone. When we arrived at the warzone, the enemy fleets had already cleared most of the New Brotherhoods cruisers.
"Echo squad defend our cruisers. Bravo and Kilo squad keep those fighters off us. Alpha squad follow me, take out the lead dreadnought." The fleet leader said.
"Roger, all squads in position." Bravo squads leader replied.
Me and Arc were forcefully positioned with Bravo squad, we had to clear out the Scattered fighters and dropships.
"Arc, get in the gunner seat," I told her.
"On it," Arc replied.
"Scattered incoming!" The intercom yelled.
Our ships were then instantly swarmed by enemy fighters, Arc and I were able to hold off most of them, but the rest of the fighters were struggling to hold them off, luckily the cruisers kept most of the enemy off the fighter squadrons.
"All squads are nearly down. We have to back out." Brotherhood Command said.
"Negative. Alpha squad has sight on the target. We're going in." Alpha Leader said.
"Alpha pull back." Command suggested.
"This is Norway 1. We're going to assist." I said flying straight towards the Scattered fleet to assist Alpha squad when we reached their fighter team, there ships were nearly done for, they were being overpowered by the Scattered warships.
"Mercenary fall back, you're outnumbered." Alpha Leader said.
"Negative, I'm more experienced than you guys currently, but either way I'm moving in," I said as me and Arc flew towards the dreadnought exposed core, it was heavily defended by Scattered fighters and void cannons, we luckily avoided taking any fatal hits.
"How are we gonna destroy this ship anyway?" Arc asked.
"We're gonna hit it with everything we got." I said.
We then shot the core with all of my ship's weapons, our attack eventually allowed Alpha squad and a couple Brotherhood cruisers to assist us in destroying the warship, the lead dreadnought was destroyed minutes later.
"Command, lead ship is down. Commence anti-air assault." I said.
"Roger, firing all AA cannons." Brotherhood Command said.
Their AA guns then fired at the remaining Scattered fleets, the Scattered eventually fled the warzone, we had won.

We then landed in a small hangar complex near the Brotherhood Command Center, Douglas and woman greeted us as we got off the ship.
"Good to see your all right." Douglas said to us.
"Thanks." Arc replied.
"Now then. This is Captain Hanes, she's in charge of military operations for the New Brotherhood." Douglas explained introducing us to the woman.
"Hi." I greeted. "Why is she important?"
"I'm in charge of leading defensive attacks against the Scattered." Hanes explained.
"Which involves us why?" Arc asked.
"Your the people who discovered the Scattered in that wreckage and stopped a possible infestation, so we need help with something." Hanes replied.
"Not interested." I naturally said.
"At least consider their offer." Arc suggested.
"I will, but later." I said ignoring her. "I'm not up for government work yet."
"We understand, call us when your ready." Douglas said.
"We will." Arc said before we boarded my ship and took off for another landing pad...

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