Final Battle of Aurora Part 4

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We landed on Aurora's surface a good distance away from the NHR's central base. I was surprised that it started to look like the old UGNR citadel that once stood in its place.
"This is it." Sauna said. "One last battle before it's over."
"Yeah, when this ends will finally settle somewhere nice, away from conflict. A place we can be free." I explained.
"I look forward to that day." Sauna said.
"Hey lovebirds! Heads up!" Isia yelled before seeing squads of NHR troopers and armored trucks coming directly for us.
"This is it guys, make it count!" I yelled, firing at the NHR troops ahead of us.
The NHR instantly fired back and charged at us as we opened fire and fought back before we had to take cover as NHR fighters bombed our position.
"Well that complicates things." Arc said annoyed.
"Well Hanes is busy, we're unfortunately on our own this time." I explained.
"Guess it's time to show off my new favorite gun." Isia explained smirking. "Cover me while I fetch it."
"Won't be a problem." Arc said, shooting a few troopers down.
We continued to hold out against the growing number of NHR soldiers, trucks, and fighters until Isia returned with her new weapon. I eventually had to charge out into the open with my energyblade just to give us some room. Luckily, Isia finally returned with a handheld version of her MAC.
"Now this will be fun." She said firing at the NHR fighters overhead of us before firing at the NHR ground forces.
We eventually decided to charge at the remaining troopers and finish them off as Alliance ground forces finally arrived to assist us.
"Awaiting orders, sir." A commander said, approaching me.
I was a little stunned until I responded.
"Right, here's my plan." I explained. "The NHR Command is similar to the United Galactic Nations Republic citadel. I should know it's defenses pretty easily. Will breach the eastern wall and lead a frontal assault, it's the least protected position, giving us the upper hand."
"What do we do about Rapture, sir?" Beta asked.
"I'm going to handle Verdi alone." I replied.
"Norway, you can't..." Sauna said, worried.
"I have to." I interrupted. "I need to finish this fight. I need to bring the UGNR to rest for good."
"Okay, then let's finish this." Sauna said smiling.
"Agreed." Isia said.
"Let's finally give the universe peace." Arc said.
"Let's show them not to mess with humanity." Saki said, smirking.
"We got this, sir." Beta said.
"Okay, forward!" I yelled, leading everyone towards the NHR Command.

We eventually arrived and began setting up explosives on the east wall to begin our final attack against the NHR.
"Charges are set, sir." Beta said, backing away from the wall with some Alliance soldiers.
"Be ready, we'll only have the advantage for so long until they begin regrouping." I explained. "Be ready for anything."
"Yes, sir." A trooper replied, ready to attack.
"Okay, were ready." Sauna said. "All you."
I breathed before giving the order.
"Light it."
The wall instantly exploded before everyone charged in and opened fire on the startled NHR forces before they finally started fighting back. A few of our troops were killed before we took cover.
"Looks like Verdi came prepared." Arc said.
"We need to hurry, if anything Verdi is gonna be preparing Rapture." I said leading a second charge on the NHR.
Our second charge allowed us to reach where Verdi kept the weapon. I about breached his position until I noticed Sauna was falling behind.
"Sauna, are you okay?" I asked.
Sauna tried to respond only to fall over as NHR reinforcements arrived to try and stop us. Luckily they didn't see me and Sauna as we took cover. "Norway...just..." Sauna said before fainting.
I instantly grabbed Sauna and rejoined the Alliance forces as they started to get overwhelmed.
"Saki, I need you to get Sauna out of here!" I yelled.
"You sure I'm the best person to do that?" Saki asked, concerned.
"Just do it." I replied, desperate to get her out of the battle. "She needs to get back to the Triumph."
"Okay, just hope my powers work on two people." Saki said, grabbing Sauna and disappearing with her before I started firing at the NHR forces surrounding us.
"Norway!" Isia yelled.
I looked to see she had blasted an opening into the vault holding Verdi and Rapture.
"Go! We'll finish them off!" Isia yelled.
"Right, good luck." I said running into the opening.

Upon entering the unfinished interior, I immediately noticed the weapon was charging, I arrived just in time to stop it.
"Verdi! Come out already!" I yelled. "It's over!"
"No, it's far from over Norway." Verdi said approaching me.
I immediately saw that he had black crystals completely surrounding his eyes, he was corrupted by Rapture.
"Verdi, what happened to you?" I asked, shocked. "What have you done?"
"The weapon has bestowed me it's secrets. I am now it's master! I will recreate humanity and make them perfect." Verdi explained. "But first, I will erase you from existence, so you can never interfere in my plans of mankind's salvation!"
He instantly conjured a massive black sword and pointed it at me. I instantly grabbed my energyblade and prepared to fight him...

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