Salvalation v.s Extinction

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Verdi instantly charged at me with all his might. I got out of the way knowing he was too powerful to fight head on.
"What exactly happened, Norway? Why didn't you fight me? Are you actually afraid for once?" Verdi asked, coming towards me.
"You've completely lost it! Are you even hearing your own plan?!" I yelled before he charged at me again. This time I blocked his attack.
"I know what I'm doing! I'm finally allowing humanity to prosper. I'm giving them the freedom the Primarch always dreamed of!" Verdi yelled before disappearing.
"What do you mean?! You're going to kill us all Verdi! This ain't gonna go the way you think!" I yelled.
"Fool! I will still be alive to see it happen." Verdi yelled falling towards me.
I blocked his attack before preparing to fight him for real.
"Don't you get it! After the Grand War, humanity was left weak, helpless, prone to killing each other!"
He instantly attacked me again before I pushed him back.
"The Primarch one day heard of a weapon that could stop it, he knew it could end the suffering that we went through!"
"The Primarch planned all this!?" I yelled.
"That's right!" Verdi yelled locking us in a clash. "The NHR was all part of his plan for human salvation! I was going to complete his dream, but then the Scattered attempted to stop us, then you!"
I eventually pushed him back again into a wall, but he instantly got up.
"I've already killed off one threat! Now I only have to kill you! Then humanity will finally be free of all suffering!"
I finally realized he was lost after that, he had to die in order to stop this war, but I still hoped I could end this without killing him.
"Then I have no choice but to at least defeat you." I said charging at him.
He fought back easily against my attacks until I backed off and started shooting at him. He blocked the shots before deflecting one back at me, knocking my pistol out of my hand.
"Did you really think feeble weapons could help you?" Verdi asked. "You forget I've become an immortal."
"Heard that before. That doesn't mean anything to me." I said attacking him.
He instantly fired black crystals all around him before throwing me back with powers very similar to Deathseeker.
"You don't understand what you're doing! Please stop this!" I yelled.
"You still think that I'll just surrender?" Verdi asked. "You fool, I'm the one in control now! I have taken Rapture's power. I will always be the one who will kill you and bring mankind's salvation!"
He then attacked me full force. I blocked his attack long enough to grab Deathseeker's energyblade before both of us started dueling each other with all our might to try and kill the other person. We continued battling until Verdi fired black lightning bolts at me. I instantly redirected his attack towards the weapon. As it hit Rapture, Verdi instantly stepped back in pain.
"I see, Rapture is what's giving you power." I explained. "Meaning you'll snap out of it if I destroy the weapon."
I instantly started running towards Rapture to destroy it and possibly bring Verdi back. I about reached it until Verdi leaped in front of me and fired more black lightning at me. I avoided it and attacked Verdi, he only grabbed my energyblade with his bare hands before throwing me back into the vault's walls.
"I will not let you destroy my victory." Verdi said, going berserk. "My plan will not fail!"
Verdi instantly charged towards me with his sword pointed towards my heart.
I instantly grabbed my pistol that was nearby and shot one of his eyes to distract him long enough for me to recover and get close to Rapture.
"You fool!" He said, showing me his missing eye. "I am going to make sure you suffer for that!"
He instantly attacked me again.
I dodged his attack before throwing him into the ground and knocking him out.
"Sorry, old friend." I said, pointing both blades at the Rapture. "It has to be done."
I instantly started attacking Rapture with both energyblades, hitting it until it started emitting beams of light before creating a massive shockwave that began causing the NHR Command to collapse. I quickly ran out of the vault just as the main command tower collapsed on the entire base as I escaped the avalanche of rubble. I figured it was over and about rejoined the Alliance forces until I saw Verdi instantly burst out of the rubble, landing directly in front of me.
"You would be that easy." He yelled. "I still have the weapons remaining power. I will not let you or anyone stand in the way of salvation! I. Won't! Lose!!!"

Verdi instantly summoned hundreds of black crystals and flung at me. I instantly blocked the incoming projectiles before pinning Verdi down.
"It's over! There's nothing left for you to fight with!" I yelled trying to snap him out of it.
"No! As long as I live my plan will still be achievable, and you can't stop it!"
He instantly resummoned his black sword and attacked me.
I blocked his attack before throwing him back.
"Then I guess I have to kill you. It's no mercy from here on out." I said pointing both energyblades at him ready to finally end this.
Verdi laughed maniacally, knowing this was the final fight. "Finally a real battle with you, I will make sure you die slowly!"
He instantly attacked me with all his remaining powers.
I blocked his attack before fighting back against my former friend to the death. I thought I would be able to redeem him when it ended, but now I had no choice, he was lost to the Primarch, Rapture and their corruption. I couldn't bring him back if I tried.
I eventually knocked him into a nearby wall and attacked him, he only dodged before throwing me away from him. I recovered pretty quickly before he attacked again. I blocked his attack before pushing him away.
"You could have survived this, but I guess I was wrong." I said.
"You should have already known I was long gone all those years ago." Verdi said, smirking. "I made my decision, now make yours."
"I'll end this war. By killing you!" I yelled, charging at him.
He blocked my attacks and we began to duel one last time, battling across Aurora as his entire regime collapsed above us.
"Why continue to stop me? I could have brought human salvation to everyone if you stayed away!" Verdi yelled.
"Your salvation would have killed everyone, I have to finish you." I said attacking him.
"Then you really have changed, I'll make sure you die quickly so I can rebuild my plan!" Verdi yelled, fighting back until we got close to the Exodus' burning remains before pushing each other back.
"You. Can't. Stop me!" Verdi yelled, losing his power.
"You can't fight anymore. It's over." I said ready to put him out of his misery.
"Not yet." He said as a chunk of flaming wreckage crashed between us and created a cloud of smoke that consumed the area around us.
I tried to get an idea of what happened when Verdi ambushed me. I blocked his attack and locked us in a clash of strength.
"Any last words before your time is up?" Verdi asked.
"Yeah, I'm sorry." I said breaking the clash and throwing him towards the Exodus.
He grabbed a nearby ledge as I approached him.
"Norway, you wouldn't." Verdi said. "I know you have mercy, you can't kill me. You don't have the guts to kill your old friend!"
"I'm sorry, but you died ten years ago." I said cutting his hands off and sending him to his death. "NORWAY!!!" He yelled as he fell into the remains of the Exodus towards his death.
I laid there exhausted and relieved, the war was over at last after all these years. The Destiny 1 eventually landed behind me. I turned to see Sauna holding a baby girl in her arms. I immediately got up and ran to hug her.
"I did it." I said crying. "It's over, we don't have to fight anymore, we can finally be together at last."
"I'm glad." Sauna said kissing my cheek. "Because Sachi would love to see her dad for the first time."
I instantly looked to see Sachi Norway, my new daughter.
"Hey little fella, welcome home." I said smiling to her. she instantly smiled back.
"You ready to get going?" Sauna asked.
"Yeah, let's finally have our time together." I replied boarding the Destiny 1 with Sauna and Sachi, ready to enjoy the lives ahead of us...

We landed onboard the Triumph seeing everyone else waiting for me.
"Well look who's a hero now." Isia said, smirking. "Daniel Norway, the man that saved humanity from extinction."
"Doesn't have much of a ring to it." I said.
"Nice to see you guys are back in one piece." Hanes said, arriving in the hangar. "Is he dead?"
"Yes." I replied knowing who she meant. "Verdi is dead."
"Good. Right now the remaining NHR fleet is in full retreat or surrendering themselves. I think it's finally over." Hanes explained. "The war is finished at last."
"That's good to hear, what will happen now?" I asked.
"In my opinion the Alliance will become a fully functional military and help rebuild what damage was done across the universe. But I feel you're free to do whatever now. You've helped us achieve this victory." Hanes replied.
"Guess you have a point." I said. "Come on guys, let's go. I think we deserve to enjoy things now."
"All of us?" Saki asked, confused.
"You helped me get this far. Might as well consider you family." I said.
"Wow, that's different." Isia said, confused.
"Agreed." Beta said.
"Well, you coming?" I asked, boarding the Destiny with Sauna.
Everyone followed us aboard before I took off.
"Where to, sir?" Beta asked.
"Wherever fate takes us." I said taking off and activating warp speed to the nearest colony, ready to finally enjoy a time of eternal peace for humanity and the universe...

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