‘Where are you mate? What’s happened?’ he suddenly sounded almost completely sober. ‘I-I don’t know where I am. And L-L-Lo… He cheated on me. I walked in on him kissing that bitch’ he was silent for a second ‘okay, mate, I need you to find the tallest, or most well-known building or landmark around you and tell me that. And Louis cheated on you? And which bitch? Ha, that rhymed’ he chuckled slightly at his rhyming but I was not in the mood for jokes.

I did what I was told and looked around to find the tallest building possible. The biggest thing I could find was an old church. I described it for Zayn and he knew where I was ‘And mate, who did he cheat on you with?’ he sounded so sincere, so worried. ‘Ms Hearne’ I spat the name into the phone, my eyes shooting daggers at a plant that lay on the edge of the sidewalk.

Just saying her name pissed me off. ‘Um, woah. Okay mate, I’m leaving the house now, I’ll be there in about 25 minutes. Just wait outside the church and I’ll be there as soon as possible. Stay safe, love you’ ‘Okay thanks, love you too’ I hung up the phone and walked slowly towards the church. When I reached the church, I leaned up against a wall and shut my eyes, trying to ignore the world.

I had had my eyes shut for all of 2 minutes when I heard someone yelling my name. I snapped my eyes open, Zayn couldn’t be here yet. As the yelling continued, my stomach dropped to my feet as I realised the voice, Louis.

My eyes scanned the area, searching for him. I spotted his car driving slowly around each corner, his window down, screaming my name. I tried to stay as still as I could so he wouldn’t see me. He continued driving closer and closer to me until I saw his eyes lock on me.

Relief flooded his face ‘Harry!’ he called louder. I turned my head in the opposite direction to him, signalling that I’m pissed at him. Well at the moment, I’m beyond furious. I just have no way of showing that. He sped up until he stopped on the road right in front of me.

I viciously swiped at my eyes, trying to conceal all signs that I had been crying. I couldn’t let him know that this has had this effect on me, he probably knew, but I refuse to let it show.

‘Haz, please listen to me’ he begged ‘Why the fuck should I?’ I tried to put as much venom into my words as possible but more tears threatened to spill when I saw him looking so vulnerable, so scared. ‘I didn’t mean for it to happen! She kissed me! I didn’t even kiss her back! She’s crazy! I swear to God! I love you Haz, please, remember that! Can we please just talk?’ I could feel my heart beating a million miles an hour in my chest, but I refuse to crack

‘Louis. You cheated on me. There’s nothing to talk about. You broke my heart. I have nothing else to say to you.’ I turned to walk away but he caught my arm and pulled me back to him. ‘Harry’ his eyes begged me, his words pleading ‘I’m so so sorry. Please, you have to believe me. I don’t like her, I only love you’ he said every word separately so I heard everything he said.

‘Louis, the damage is done. There’s nothing else we can do. Lou, It’s over’ a single tear rolled down my cheek, but I decided that it was okay. I had to let him know how much this hurt me. I had to make him feel as guilty as possible.

At that moment, Zayn pulled up in front of us. Thank God for that boy’s impeccable timing. I looked at Louis, tears streaming freely down his face, his breathing heavy. It broke my heart further to see him like this, but I held my chin high and walked over to Zayn’s car, opening the door and clicking myself in ‘Drive’ I begged Zayn quietly. He complied, and the car moved forward slowly. We rounded the corner, leaving a broken looking Louis standing there, watching the car drive off.

As soon as we were out of his sight, I broke down. I curled my legs up into my chest, tucked my face into my knees and sobbed uncontrollably the entire way home. The image of Louis kissing her stayed in the front of my mind. No matter how hard I tried to think of something else, that image was the only thing I could think of.

Every second I spend thinking about this, I felt my heart shattering slightly. Because of him, I could feel a hole in my chest, a hole that feels like it will never close and until it does, I will never be whole. When we reached the campus, he shook me gently and when I didn’t move, I felt him scoop me up in his arms and carry me across the campus to our room. I noticed a few strange glances directed towards us but I couldn’t care less.

He laid me down on my bed, brushed the hair out of my eyes and sat down on the end of the bed. I looked up at him and seeing his face so full of worry, so full of sincere love. I flung myself into his arms and a fresh wave of sobs broke out.

We sat like this til about 4am in the morning when my eye lids became heavy and I fell into a dreamless sleep. And when I say dreamless, I mean with absolutely no dreams. Every single thing I saw in my sleep, was a nightmare. And every single thing included Louis. 

The Wrong Direction Ended up Right (Larry Stylinson BoyxBoy AU)Where stories live. Discover now