All He Is To Me Is A.....{Part Two}/Who did it?

Start from the beginning

Blue had been acting a bit strangely nowadays, maybe because he was lovestruck? Probably. Since I do know he have a Yandere trait in him.

Anyways that's..what I want to write for today...uh...thanks for...understanding???


Blank Death hummed as he continues reading them.


"P-PALETTE PLEASE!" Goth yelled as tears appeared.

Palette looks at him with cold eyes, "I will get my revange no matter how much blood is shed. Don't you see Gothy? They wanted me gone. If they want me dead, I want them dead. Understand now?" He said as he walked closer to Goth.

"D-drop the knife!" Goth squeaked out.

"Awh, you're afraid. Gothy do you really think I'll hurt you?" Palette asked as he walked even more closer.


Fresh texted Blue through Wattpad, to get more info and strangely Blue didn't replied.

"Where's my radical bro?" He asked himself as he texted Blue once again after an hour had passed.

Still no reply.

Fresh decided to text to Fell through Wattpad.

§FreshyMc_90's§: Sup Fell!

He waited for a bit as a reply came. He thanked whatever god he knew of that Fell replied.

EdgyMcEdge69: Sup.

§FreshyMc_90's§: Hey! you know any reason why Blue isn't replying?

EdgyMcEdge69: Huh? Oh uhm yes actually. Blue is currently busy with work and he told me that his wifi sucked balls so he wouldn't be on for a week or so.

§FreshyMc_90's§: did he told you this?

EdgyMcEdge69: Are you stupid? It was through phone!

§FreshyMc_90's§: Right. Anyways have you and Blue did the unradical thing?

EdgyMcEdge69: No, why?...wait are you reading dirty Fanfics of us?

§FreshyMc_90's§: N-no!


Dear diary,

Dream is pregnant, he's pregnant. I don't know how, but it seems that I was involved with it. I don't remember doing THAT with him, I don't even like him like that...or do I? Ugh! I can't remember what happened yesterday. All I remember is that I was with  Dream and Blue. We were drinking...juice and eating tacos. What could've made Dream pregnant especially with me involved!?

Am I going to be a father? A single father? Am I going to watch a boy? Girl? I can't, I just can't. I can't do this...I can't, this isn't how it supposed to be! I'm not in that relationship with Dream. We aren't like that!

Blank Death hummed as he flip some pages.

Dear this thing,

Dream gave birth..and I'm a father now. I don't want this responsibility, I could even see it in Dream's face. He doesn't want this also. Though we decided to name our son, Palette. Even if we might not even raise him, we named him.

Seeing Palette's eyes was really adorable I really want to get rid of him? No. Though I don't want the responibility of raising a kid. I asked Blue if he wanted to raise him but he declined. Fresh however accepted so I'm grateful that he accept. Just hopefully maybe Palette may forgive us awful parent later on. We are awful, we didn't dare raise him.. and I'm gonna miss him so much.

Blank Death paused there as he though. Palette.. someone name Palette.

Then it hit him, Goth have a friend name Palette. Maybe he could ask Goth! Blank place the book back into his backpack and ran out of the room and back to his parents well mom.

"Mom! Mom! Can I call big bro?" Blank Death asked.

"Sure." Geno said as he handed the phone to Blank Death.

"Thanks Mom!" He said as he went to find his brother contact and clicked on it, calling him.

Walking to another room he heard the phone pick up.

{Italics is Goth, normal is Blank Death}


"Hi bro!"

"A-ah it's just you Blankie. What do you want?"

"Mommy is worried about you earlier today.. also can I see your friend, Palette?"

"How do you know I'm his friend?"

"...I just know. I really REALLY need to talk to him. It's that important big bro."

"Alright. Tommorow afternoon you're gonna talk to Palette. Depends if he's up to it okay?"


"Is that all?"



Error was helping Ink find his stuff.

"Are you sure you don't have it in your room?" Error asked not wanting to glitch.

"I'm sure. I checked."



Goth sigh as he looks at Palette, "My brother wants to know you.." he spoke.

"Alright. When will we meet?"

"Tommorow afternoon, if it's fine with you."

"Okay. I'll accept that. I'll see you then."

"O-okay see ya Palette."

"Bye~ bestie~" Palette said in a flirty tone before walking away twirling the knife.

He walked towards his adopted father house as he knocked on the door for the first time in some years.

"Hello my radical bro- Palette!?" Fresh said as his eyes widen.


"Is that a unradical knife?"

".....Can I stay here for the night?" Palette asked.

"...Sure, just don't cause trouble okay?"

"Okay. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

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