"If you aren't going to help then just leave! I'm not a child anymore!" Eren says.

Finally, she lets out a sigh, "If he dies, I'll kill you and Levi," she says, pointing at (Y/N). Samuel scoffs. As if she'd lay a finger on (Y/N). I won't let her touch her. He thinks. She looks at Eren once more before taking her absence.

"Hey! Brats! Stop talking and get working! We don't have all day!" Levi yells from up on top of a tree, well hidden in the branches. It took (Y/N) quite some time to spot him, and only saw him once she saw the orange of his Survey Corps Uniform. Despite the contrast between the orange and the green of the tree, he blended himself in perfectly.

"Yes sir!" Eren responds, "Are you ready, (Y/N)?"

She nods in response. In all honestly, she wasn't ready. She was scared senseless over the thought that Eren might lose control or her voices would attack. Her heart beat rapidly, and she could feel beads of sweat roll down her forehead. She wasn't sure if it was because of nervousness or if it was because she was just hot.

There was a moment of silence as Eren prepares to bite into his hand. Everything seemed so calm, so peaceful. The only thing they could here was a nearby stream, gently flowing. Eren looks puzzled at his hand for a minute, thinking over everything. Could Princess (Y/N) actually be the Coordinate like Section Commander Hanji Zoë says? Oh man. Everything is riding on me at this moment. If I lose control, Captain Levi....He looks over at Samuel, whom was now staring hard at him. They'll kill me...

"Eren? I said I was ready." (Y/N) interrupts his thoughts and he flinches.

"A-ah, yeah, sorry." He brings his hands close to his mouth and bites down, hard. He hated doing this. Even though after his Titan is out of energy and his hand begins to regenerate, the excruciating pain of having his teeth sink down into his own flesh irritated him more than anything.

There is a loud boom! sound as Eren forms into his Titan
(I'm not the best at telling of this stuff so please bare with me) form. Armin shrieks and hides behind a bush as Samuel stays in his exact same spot, foot pent up against the bark of a tree.

"Oi, Hanji." Levi turns to look at his friend, "Eren is able to turn Titan by biting into his hand, right? If you're trying to test whether or not (Y/N) is a Titan shifter, why don't you just tell her to bite her hand?"

Hanji looks at Levi dumbfounded. Why didn't I think of that?. To try and hide her shame, she gave a lie, "Because I'm not sure if that'll make her transform. What if inflicting pain is not her trigger? What if that's just Eren's? What if she has a completely different trigger?"

"Still though. Just tell her to bite into her hand. If it doesn't work, we will scratch that off of our list." Levi refutes.

Hanji looks dumbly for a moment, hiding in her own embarrassment and a feeling of stupidly, "(Y/N), my dear. Can you hear me?" She calls from above. (Y/N) nods.

Eren seemed to be able to control himself this time around. He was still staring directly at (Y/N)—like the last time they tried this and then he proceeded to slam her into a tree—but he was able to control himself.

"I want you to inflict pain on yourself. Bite your hand the same way Eren does. Perhaps this will trigger it. There's no other way. You've got to be the Coordinate!" Hanji beams, waving a blade downward to signal the commence.

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