Chapter 11

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Gavin groaned in pain, clutching his head in his hands. "Ryan..where's Ryan? It hurts, Mi-cool.. It hurts.."

"Shh, Gavvers. They're on their way. Ryan and Geoff will get here soon and everything will be fucking dandy. Just stay here with me, okay?" Michael sounded so cracked.

"Micool.. Is Ryan's car okay?" Gavin opened his eyes before immediately shutting them.

"Gavin. The car doesn't fucking matter. You do." Michael readjusted himself and Gavin, putting his best friends bleeding head in his lap.

"I don't really think I do, Micool. I probably just botched things with Ryan. I'm stupid, boi. Really stupid." Gavin's eyes pricked with more tears.

"No. Don't you ever fucking say that. You are worth so god damn much to this team. You matter a lot. Not just to me, or your dad, but to everyone. Jack thinks of you as her own son. Ray thinks you're hilarious. Ryan must feel like the luckiest guy alive to get picked just to ride around with you." Michael stroked the bleeding Brit's hair.

At that moment, there was a squeal of tires and an engine shutting off. Car doors slammed and two gents came running toward them.

"Gavin! Oh god, my boy!" Geoff ran over to the lads. His face was so distressed. He knelt beside them and stroked his face. "What happened?"

Ryan wanted to hold Gavin. He wanted to sit beside him and make sure he's okay. He wanted to just go over there and kiss him. He just couldn't move. He just saw the car wrapped around a pole.

The car was destroyed. He didn't see how Gavin could be okay. He didn't want to see him broken, destroyed like his car.

"Ryan! Get your ass over here, he's asking for you!" Michael yelled, snapping him out of his daze. He quickly jogged over to where the others were.

What he saw was not like what he was expecting. Gavin was leaning against Geoff now, his suit jacket wrapped around him. Michael's shirt was ripped and used to wipe off some of the blood. His forehead had a large gash in it, presumably from the glass. Other than that, he seemed generally okay.

"Gavin.." Ryan sat in front of him. "Are you okay?"

"My head hurts a lot. Maybe it has something to do with you bloody knocking me out?" Gavin looked away. He started talking in a quieter voice. "What happened, Rye? After you left me, what happened? Where'd you go?"

"We can talk about me later. I'm fine. Physically and almost mentally. Look, I'm going to take you home and call Ray. He can get one of his guys over at the hospital to come check you out. You'll be fine and we can go on this heist." Ryan stood up, offering his hand to Gavin. The injured boy took it, stood up, and fell into the older man.

Ryan caught him and just picked him up bridal style. Gavin squawked and Geoff gave him a pointed look. He shrugged and just walked toward the vehicle.

"Hey dick head! We're here, too, you know! Are you gonna give us a ride back?"

"Maybe. Don't you have your own vehicle, Michael?" Ryan chuckled.

"Come on. You can give me a ride, Michael." Geoff spoke up, heading toward Michael's muscle car.

Michael grumbled about his boi and followed Geoff to his own car.

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