Chapter 3

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Once they got back to the base, the two flopped down onto the couch. Gavin was dying of laughter.

"And then I shot the fucker in the head. No one messes with my cow. Edgar's precious." Ryan smirked, leaning back.

"Bloody hell, Ryan! All he did was try to put lipstick on him!" Gavin was starting to calm down. He sighed and stood up, going to the kitchen. "Hey Rye! Do you want a bev?"

"Sure! Get me a diet coke!"

Gavin grabbed a diet coke and a regular one, pulling out some whiskey from the cabinet. He mixed his drink, put away the alcohol, and went back out to Ryan.

"Here ya go." He handed the gent his drink and sat beside him.

"So, tomorrow, what time do you want to leave to get to the track?" Ryan asked, taking a sip from his drink.

"I was thinking about 7. I really need to brush up on using different vehicles. I don't know what Geoff is gonna get me to drive." The thought of Geoff made the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He needed to get away from Ryan. 'Crap. It's after work. What if Geoff comes in?' thought the lad.

As if on cue, Geoff walked in. He glanced over at the two and raised an eyebrow. "So, how'd it go? You run into anything, Gavin?"

Gavin shrugged, looking down at his drink. "I didn't break anything, if that's what your asking. I was slow."

"Slow? You were anything but! You did that track in 4 minutes and 28 seconds!" Ryan exclaimed, sitting forward.

"That's slow for him, Ryan. He's used to taking that fucking track in 2 minutes and 14 seconds. So, Gavin, you need to practice more. Tomorrow, you leave at 5:30. Don't come back until you can do that track in at least 3 minutes and 30 seconds. And don't forget what we talked about." With that, Geoff left the two of them alone.

Gavin stood up, a disconnected look on his face. "I..I gotta get to bed. I have to get up earlier than I expected.. You know the way out, when you're ready." He turned to go to his room.

"Wait, Gavin," he turned around to face him. "What did he mean, 'what we talked about?'"

The Brit shook his head. "Nothing. Just to take care of myself. Bye, Ryan. I'll see you in the morning." He turned back around again and went to his room.

Ryan put his head in his hands, his elbows on his knees. 'That was so obviously a lie. What am I gonna do? Something is obviously up between him and Geoff. It must be what Geoff wants me to get out of him. Yeah, that's probably it. I'll figure it out tomorrow. ' Ryan stood up and walked to the door. He walked out, going down to the parking garage and left on his bike.

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