Words of the Heart

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((Short recap of the last chapter due to the gore: You get through the war and manage to find Genji, you realize one mistake you made, you forgot the second bracelet.) 

   You went pale and you could feel the blood draining from your face "I-I..." 'ten seconds' the man says on the mic. Your heart was pounding and you look at Genji with tears going down your face "I can only save one of us..." You slip the bracelet onto Genji's wrist making him stare in shock "W-What are you talking about..? Y/N that's not funny..." his voice was hushed but your tears didn't lie "y/n say something!" you press the button making the shield appear around him and you smile at him "I love you..." He could only stare helplessly struggling "Y/N! Don't! Save yourself!" He had tears growing in his eyes and you could only stare into them "so pretty... I was always weak for your eyes..." 

   'five seconds' the com say and you tense up closing your eyes. Your hands were shaking and your breathing was picking up. You were scared, of course you were. It'd be painful... You'd be alone..." 'four...' the count keeps going on and you could hear Genji yelling in the background but your ears start to ring. 'three...' you could smell the scent of blood and gunpowder in the air... It was a sickening scent... 'two' You could feel your heart racing and you close your eyes. 'one.' you could feel the ground rumbling and someone shout your name. It was familiar but yet so distant... Was it Genji? No, of course, it couldn't be... Everything went black. Windows were shattered and piles of dust lay on the ground. The war was over. Overwatch members took a while to realize what was going on before they started to cry tears of joy and excitement. They could all be happy... Everyone but one person... Genji... Tears stained his cheeks and he could only sob and stare at where you once stood. How could this happen? Why did you save him? Soon enough members went to the room freeing Genji. 

   They had to knock him out and carry him back, he refused to come along. Yelling that he couldn't leave your side, that he hadn't asked yet, that he wanted to... The list went on for a while. It took a few weeks but soon graves were placed for everyone who died that day. Every day Genji would bring flowers to your grave and refuse to talk to any of your friends. Tracer would come whenever she wasn't training. Angela was busy most of the time but she found time to visit and fill you in on how the week went on Sunday. It took a few months but they put a statue up in your honor. What he would say to you if you were here with him, how proud he was of you, how amazing you looked... How he loved every second he spent with you... But he couldn't. He promised himself he'd never move on, never say those words to anyone else... Keep his words in his heart, where you still remain. 

((picture credit: http://ikerra.tumblr.com/post/159062423368/dont-make-him-cry)

((Man this chapter held some intense angst! I hope you guys enjoyed it because I put a lot of work into this! Sorry for any tears <3)

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