New Home

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   The helicopter lands and you let out a sigh of relief. You were getting rather motion sick but at least now you were on the ground. The whole ride there the three of you hardly said a word. Thankfully when you landed Mccree spoke up "I'll go ahead and tell everyone that we're back." You nod and gather the few things that you brought. The blueprints, of course, your lucky necklace and a backpack filled with the clothes that fit you. You get out of the helicopter seeing what looked like a balloon through the window but it was quickly moved away. 

   You look at Genji who saw it as well but he simply shrugged it off. You sigh and went to the door opening going wide eyed at the balloons and streamers that lined the hall ways "Welcome to Overwatch Y/N!" a large crowd of people yelled. There were so many strange people and animals even an omnic. You laugh a little shying away from the crowd "Thank you..." The crowd moves through the hall heading some place shouts were heard telling you to follow but you were unsure. A cold metallic hand gently touches your back making you jump and look up at the cyborg. Of course, you knew it was Genji but it surprised you none the less. 

   He had removed his mask and for the first time you see him smile "Come Y/N, We don't want to keep everyone waiting." His face was covered in scars but the kind voice was recognizable you just didn't know who it belonged to. He moved his hand and walked down the hall not waiting for you. You bite your lip but tag along with him, where could they possibly be going? 

((Picture credit:

Genji Shimada X ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt