Hunger Strikes

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   You had a rough time sleeping, what father could let his eldest son kill his brother? You sigh softly and get your slippers on going outside. You weren't supposed to move around too much but it's not like you were extremely hurt, just a few bruises and scratches here and there. You went out and look around confused not quite sure where everything was and you were rather hungry. You sigh feeling your stomach growl. "Hungry?" You heard a stern voice behind you. You jump and look back at him rather shocked "You surprised me! I am hungry though.." You blush a little "I don't know where the exit is." Hanzo shakes his head "I can make breakfast for you." he pulls his hair back into a single ponytail and walked to the kitchen without a word. 

   You assumed that you were supposed to follow him so you do. He leads you through the busy halls and opens a door for you. It was a very large kitchen and you couldn't help the smile on your face. You had always wanted to work in a large restaurant. Hanzo went right to work getting some eggs and bacon. You sat down at the table watching a very sleepy Genji open the door "おはよ ございます." (Good morning) Hanzo nods in response focused on making breakfast "Ah, good morning." Genji looked at you confused for a little in his sleepy state before laughing and rubbing the back of his neck "I forgot you were staying with us!" You smile and giggle softly shaking his head. He was rather cute being all sleepy. You watch Hanzo finish up cooking placing the eggs onto the plates and smiles softly "here you two go." He sets the place down on the table. You frown seeing Hanzo didn't have any food "You don't have any food..." Hanzo shakes his head no "It's fine, I normally don't have breakfast anyway." 

   You nod and start to eat happily amazed by how good the food tasted, did he put a spice into the eggs? It didn't take long for you to finish eating and Genji was right behind you. You pick up both of your plates and wash it off with a happy hum. He looks at you before grinning "Y/N! Would you like to go the arcade with me again today?" You frown a little worried about what you heard last night "Do you have any classes like your brother?" He shakes his head no and smiles widely "Nope!" You smile and nod "I don't see why not then." It wouldn't cause much trouble if he didn't have classes right? 

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