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   Genji was nice enough to show you to the mess hall and where Angela normally sat down. You thank him and went to get your food "Mornin' love!" You nearly have a heart attack when a very British lady seemed to appear out of nowhere. You look around to see if she was talking to someone but she seemed to be staring you down "M-Morning?" She smiles brightly "sorry I couldn't introduce myself earlier! It's been a wee bit crazy around here!" You nod and let out a soft laugh "No kidding." she hums softly "So where will you be working?" You look down in thought "with someone named Winston...?" She gasps happily "Winston! Oh you're gonna love him! He might be a bit scary but once you get to know him he's just a big ol' bundle of knowledge and fluff!" Man this girl had some strange ways of explaining people. 

   You nod "right.." You got some of your food. They were serving eggs and bacon, you were starving and man did it smell soooo good. You look around and found Angela heading over to her. Tracer smiles and waves bye to you as someone calls her over "bye love! See you soon!" She dashes off and you wave sitting down next to Angela "man this place is filled with strange people." Angela hums softly "Is that such a bad thing?" You thought for a little bit before shaking your head no "maybe not..." The whole building shakes and you went wide eyed standing up with everyone else when an alarm goes off. What was going on? Angela quickly got up "Y/N! Get to your room now!" Everyone swarmed the doors heading off into the battle.

    You could hear the gunshots and screams. You try and push your way to your room but got dragged off with the crowd. They hand you a gun and a helmet that didn't fit. Looks like there was no going back. You grip your gun luckily learning how to shoot. You look down at your hands they were shaking. You scoff at yourself and grip the gun tightly "get a grip Y/N.." You whisper to yourself. 

((Picture credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/51721095700124004/)

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