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   It took you a second to decide on what you were going to say to him. After all how long has it been? How long were you in therapy thinking that he was dead? Before you could stop yourself your hand lifted and smacked Genji on the face. Your hand was stinging from the pain and you weren't sure what came over you. You knew that it would hurt yet you still did it. Most of the room went silent for a little before making idle chit chat to avoid your wrath.

   Genji, on the other hand, had no escape "I-I deserved that." He mumbles softly and looks at the ground. You had tears welling in your eyes and you let all of the emotions that you kept hidden flow out "They made me go to therapy for years making me believe that you weren't real... People thought it was crazy enough that I had fallen for a guy I had only known for two days! Y-Yet you were alive that entire time? The entire time I was conflicted and prayed that you were real, that'd you'd show up... But you never did." You hissed.

   You stormed out of the room tears streaming down his face. You weren't sure about where you would go you just knew that you didn't want to see Genji right now. What made you yell that in front of all of those people! Your cheeks were burning red from embarrassment and your eyes were red from crying. You went outside and let the cool wind help soothe you. You'd have to go in eventually, not that you wanted to but... You close your eyes and lean against the door, you were exhausted... Maybe a nap would do you good.

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