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   When you wake up you were in a hospital bed, you glance around seeing the empty beds next to you. Thank god no one was hurt. You held your neck and wince slightly it was sore. You frown seeing Angela was next to you completely silent and a soft frown on her lips. This couldn't be good "A-Angela? Are you ok?" You say in a hush tone in order to not upset her. She nods and looks at you sadly "Y/N do you know how long you've been out?" You shake your head no "no... How long?" She sighs softly "two days..." you frown but nod "ok...? That's not too bad." You smile softly "I'm feeling better already!" You look around confused seeing that Genji wasn't there. Did he not come to visit you "Where's Genji?" 

   You could see Angela tense up and your heart drops to your stomach "Angela...? Where's Genji...?" She tears up and hics softly "They were going to kill them if we didn't give them Genji! He went willingly..." Your heart was pounding. Them? It had to be them who else would take Genji... other than... Talon. He was gone, he had knocked you out because he must have known you wouldn't let him go. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes as you stand up quickly running. You didn't know where you were going but you just ran.

   You eventually ran out of energy curling up into a corner of the base and crying. You tried to save some of your dignity by keeping your crying quiet but it wasn't working so well. You feel a gentle hand on your shoulder seeing tracer looking at you with worry "I'm sorry love..." now you couldn't help the tears spilling out of your eyes and you hug Tracer tightly "Tracer.." You hic and your cries turn to sobs. She gently rubs your back holding you close and letting you sob into her shoulder "Let it out... It's ok to cry." you were a mess at this point and there was no way you were calming down anytime soon. 

((picture credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/509188301602624382/)

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