The Wrath of Mercy

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   You were exhausted. How many nights have you spent working in the lab? You weren't sure, you were far too tired to even care at this point. You had to finish working. You didn't even notice your lack of vision until you were on the ground. You could feel someone pick you up and hear them trying to say something. Your vision was spinning and your head was throbbing to the point you couldn't hear anyone. Your vision goes black and you wave up in the infirmary "I get sent here way too much..." You grumble out and cover your eyes from the bright light. "It's beyond normal here." 

   You look over to see who was talking looking at Angela who had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and was holding a clipboard. She goes over to you and gently taps the clipboard onto your forehead "What was that for...?" You ask confused and rub your forehead. She scoffs as if it wasn't obvious "You honestly believe that staying up for nights won't have any effect on you?" You sigh softly "I know what I was getting into it just..." She cut you off "What? Just what? Did you want to pass out and scare all of your friends half to death? You want us to worry for your safety and well-being?" 

   You frown and look down "no of course not bu-" she stops you and puts the clipboard to your lips to make you stop talking "Good, I'm glad you understand now. Go to sleep." You couldn't argue with her anymore and you sigh softly getting comfortable into the bed. You could hear Angela's heels clicking as she starts to walk away "Angela...?" she turns and hums softly "yes Y/N? What is it...?" You cuddle into the pillow debating on whether you should say it or not "Thank you... for helping me." She smiles and nods "Anytime." 

((Picture credit:

Genji Shimada X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat