The voice named Cleo

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Days past and things got worst. It was always Jeff who came in and did whatever he did whatever it was dunking, cutting me, whipping or me being electrocuted. At first ever time I would panic and try to get away it would fail but I noticed that if I did then whatever he did would only be worst then when I didn't try to get away so I stopped and let it happen. I got used to it the pain was numb to me it just happened and I would tense up or grunt while it happened. In between sessions I would think a lot to myself and talk to myself trying not to lose myself while in here. 

"I'm Ashley, I'm a sophomore in high school I have friends and my life is normal to most people" I would repeat this over and over again for it to be stuck in my mind

"I'm Ashley I'm--"

"Hi Ashley I'm Cleo" a voice called out surprised I looked around "who are you?" I asked "I just told you I'm Cleo, I've been listening to you"

"Why haven't you said anything until now?" 

"I couldn't until now" 

"Well what are you doing here anyways?"

"Stuck like you"

"You were taken too? Did they torture you too?" curious to learn about this new person 

"They didn't torture me. Who are they?"

"Them the pastas..." saying it softly for them not to hear

"Oh them I've never meet them they seem interesting I guess" their voice piped up

"They are just not when they are doing this" I said 

"You know you could easily get out of here if you wanted to" surprised I asked "what do you mean I can't" 

"yes you can the battery over there you can reach over and take the cables off, and you could splash water on the chains to rust them or pull up the plate they are on" they explained "That's actually really smart how do you think of those things?" "I've been watching you like I said, I've noticed small things they won't get" "Thank you like really" I thanked them "No problem I'm going to go back now I think another session is coming" they disappeared and the door opened with Jeff walking in holding a stick "time for some more fun little one" he sneered poking the stick through the bars and hot me with its volts of electricity zapped me, a taser stick is what he had. Repeatedly he zapped me with it with me grunting and bouncing when it hit me "I'm going to help hold on" Cleo said then coldness came over me and the zapping was nothing more than a pitch feeling. I gasped at the feeling "Thanks Cleo I can't feel a thing now" I said to her "no problem looked like you couldn't take what he was giving you" "yeah it hurts" soon he stopped with an odd exasperation on his face before he walked away. The coldness went away "Now the battery" she said "right" reaching for the battery I was so close but couldn't get it "try pulling the cables toward you maybe that will help" I did that and the battery came near me "yes" taking the cables off and breaking them so they couldn't be used then throwing them far in the dark never to be seen. 

"Finally that hurts" 

"Now sleep I have a feeling they won't be so nice since you did that" "Yea you right thanks Cleo" "Your welcome anything for a friend" with that I fell asleep knowing at least I won't be woken up soon. 

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