I'm normal with a secret

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My life was normal. Everything was fine. I had a family, siblings and friends that i loved and have been friends with for a long time. I never was diagnosed with any diseases or disorders, I was perfectly healthy, mentally and physically. But something happened...I don't know exactly when it happened but when it started it never stopped. Everything swirled into darkness, and insanity when it happened and nothing could stop it. 


'There's the bell' I thought grabbing my stuff and heading out.

Hi my name is Ashley and I'm a sophomore in high school. 

"Hey Ashley you want to come over to my house?" one of my friends Garrett yelled to me 

"Sorry i have other stuff to do today," I yelled back "Maybe next time!" he ran off to his other friends. I walked to the school bus that would take me home. I climbed up the steps of the bus, my best friend waved to me to sit by her. On the way home we both talked about school and about hot guys, things girl would talk about. I got off the bus and started walking home which wasn't far, when i got home putting my stuff I grabbed my laptop and my homework. 

After finishing my homework i got on the computer and looked at the usual websites I would visit. Yes all of this is boring and seems normal to people. A girl going about her life as her normal self but I'm a little different from regular people. I belong to a fandom, not a normal one, this one includes serial killers and creatures or people that don't exist. There creatures are called Creepypasta, they are urban legends that are on the internet. The people in the fandom are called proxies. 

And that is what I'm in and what i do everyday. You might be saying 'oh her friends are probably into that' no they actually don't even know what it is or that it exists. See i have an account online and on other websites that i visit to keep up with people like me that post about them.. I live two lives, one in the real world where i seem normal and talk about regular stuff that interest everyone but online I talk, browse and search about people who don't even exist and have people like me on there that have the same interest. 

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