Forbidden Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

The water looked soothing. Calm and gentle, the perfect rendition of innocence.

.... It reminded him of Corrin.

~"Leeeeeoooo! C'mon Leo, I got something to show you!"

"Sister! I can't run that fast! Please, wait for me!"

"Oop, I'm sorry Leo! C'mon, jump on my back! I'll carry you!"

"Ack! Sister, put me down!"

"There ya go! We're here now."

"But... but where is here, exactly?"

"It's the prettiest and largest river in aaaaaall of Nohr, Leo! Isn't it beautiful?"

"Well, yes but.... Why did you bring me here? Why here, of all times that Father let you outside?"

"Because Leo. Xander and Camilla showed me this place the last time I was let outside a few years ago before Elise could even walk, the sweetie. I made a mental note that I'd have to show you and her whenever I could, and since Elise is sick right now, I'm gonna have to handle just showing you! C'mon, let it be our special brother and sister moment, Leo!"

"Fine, fine! But I wanna head back soon, the wind here is chilly!"

"Oh, fine! We'll stay for just a few minutes, then I'll take you back."



"You know what I read in a famous Poet's book one time, Leo?"

"What's that?"

"I read a poem, a poem that was about the water's surface and what hid underneath, actually. It... It's an old one. One from the era when the first Kings and Queens of Hoshido and Nohr ruled supreme."

"Where did you even find a book like that?"

"In the library, duh."

"Right. How did it go?"

"Hmm, let me see if I can remember how it precisely went..."

"Though Murky and Ill I can be, Rippling and Clear I can also be seen;

Away from my edge, wars wage and battles rage, yet still I fall gracefully o'er the cliffsides ledge;

Cry and weep at my side, ne'er will I frown or weep alongside your broken and mayhaps fragile life;

Instead, I shall take your tears like my own and wash them away, like the ancient worries of yesterday;

Ne'er fret my child, for I may be seen violent and raging when skies wish to see me grow wild;

I swear, through all the wear and tear, I shall always take you and gift you the gift of life renew;

Be it under crystal skies or stormy blue."~

Leo's breath hitched as he violently shook his head.

Damned memories.

Gulping away the lump in his throat and blinking the tears away, he looked down at his hand that Garon had inflicted those wounds on earlier, grimacing as he saw the dried blood and blackened skin around the cuts. He heard his horse nibbling at the grass behind him, glad that at least his beast-like companion was finding serenity in this moment. How Garon even managed to get these six deep cuts on his palm and make them fit, he didn't know. But the damned things still hurt.

The cool, yet soothing feeling of hardened scales pressing firmly against his palm made him jump, but the familiar flash of (e/c) eyes brought a sense of ease to his form.

"Relax. I am no threat. I could feel your discomfort and heartbreak from a hundred miles away."

"(Y/n)..." Leo whimpered out, immediately looking away after he spoke.

Minutes passed, with the soothing pulse of her magic flowing through his hand and up to his shoulder, sending a slight chill up and down his spine. He didn't even have the courage to look her in the eye right now. He felt her magic ease up before it stopped completely before she pulled away, then he heard her heavy form fall into a laying position directly behind him. Her head lying directly next to his leg.

"... Do you wish to speak to me of your worries? I can practically see your distress, Leo."

"Not... not now... I just need silence and an escape..."

"Understood, Young Prince. I shall grant them to you."


*Sigh* So fucking short. Again, I'm sorry.

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