Chapter Five: The First Date Part One

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Chapter Five: The First Date Part One

Eveline POV

After shooting a few pictures of Havana I dismissed her after giving her, her payment for the week. I walked towards my desk sitting down on my chair going over the pictures I've taken tilting my head lightly frowning a bit humming nonchalantly. The intercom on my desk knocked me out of my thoughts,

"Hey Boss. Jet is here to see you shall I send him up?"

"No you shall not and I could've sworn I said he couldn't come in anymore."

"He bribed Bob."

"Of course he did. No he can't be sent up."

"Alrighty then."

I rolled my eyes wishing he would give up now. My phone vibrated lightly, and I picked it up facing it my way to see a text being shown through.

'Talk to me.'

It said, I cleared it as if it never existed and started back Working placing the pictures down on the scrapbook while placing a few backgrounds on the computer. My phone vibrated once more and I picked it up again seeing another text.

'At least let me explain Evie.'

I rolled my eyes clearing that one as well before saving my progress and shutting the computer off for the day. I stood up grabbing my phone placing it inside my pocket while heading towards the door I closed it behind myself walking towards the elevator pressing the button. I looked a mess for now with my raven hair in a messy bun wearing a tank top with sweats and flats on. Yeah... Living the dream. As soon as I reached the lobby floor and walked out the door he was right there waiting for me, something told me to go out the back way. I kept walking while he was trotting after me.

"Evie, Evie, Evie... Hold on."

He said grabbing my arm, I looked at his hand that was on my arm and if looks could kill then I assure you this hand would be disintegrated he quickly removed it from my arm.

"Just... Hear me out."

I looked towards Jet tilting my head lightly quirking a brow.

"There's nothing to say Jet."

I said calmly keeping my gaze on him.

"There's nothing you could say or do to make me understand. I'm done. I'm okay with just being friends nothing more and nothing less, so no need to explain."

"Yes there is. We—"

"There's no 'we'"

"Yes there is."

"No there isn't. Unless you're speaking French but I can tell you don't know the first thing about that language so with that being said I bid you adieu."

I quipped before walking around him heading towards my car.

"Would you just hear me out?!"

He called out towards me. I sighed softly before stopping in my tracks unlocking my car opening the door.

"No. Now you're going to make me late for my date."

I replied getting inside of the car starting it up and
driving off. About a good twenty minutes later I arrived at my apartment getting out of the car and heading towards the stairs walking upon them to unlock my door getting inside. Closing the door behind myself I sigh softly closing my eyes a bit before pushing myself off of the door placing my keys on my nightstand then take off my clothes placing them in the dirty bin looking up at the time realizing I have an hour to get ready I quickly turned on the shower head and stepped into the tub washing myself thoroughly as well as my hair before rinsing off, it has been at least a good twenty minutes before I decided it was time to get out of the warm shower. I stepped out wrapping the towel around me drying off putting on my underwear as well as my black dress that snugged my curves and I blow dried my hair knowing that natural will kill me but once I straightened it out, it'll be grand. Once I did so I looked at myself in the mirror realizing I put no make up on whatsoever. As soon as I reached for the lipgloss a knock sounded on my door and I groaned.

"Of course he would be on time."

I mumbled to myself before applying the lipgloss and placing it in my purse before walking out of the bathroom heading towards the door opening it.

"You're on time."

I said before stepping to the side letting him in.

"I figured you would hate it if I was late."

He replied walking inside of my home closing the door behind himself. He looked around and nodded lightly.

"Lovely apartment you have here. Then again you can afford a home here in The Big Apple."

"I prefer small and content thank you."


He finally looked at me and let his mouth go agape only for a bit before clearing his throat.

"You look beautiful Linnie."

He said before I gasped out of mockery,

"Really? I made the cunning of them all a bit speechless? Go figure."

"Ha Ha Ha... I'm trying here."

"Well calm down you don't have to try until we're out there."

"Speaking of which, are you ready to go?"

I looked towards him watching him hold out his hand in my direction, I inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly and grabbed his hand with mine feeling chills down my body but I shook it off removing my hand from his and wrapped it around his arm walking out of the apartment.

"You're a gentleman when you want to be."

"I'm a host and plus I have to play the part, right?"

"Don't remind me."

I said while rolling my eyes. He laughs softly before keeping me close while walking down the stairs and headed towards his car, he pulled out his key unlocking it opening my door for me. I looked around before getting inside of the car smiling to myself before closing the door. I put on my seatbelt while waiting for him as soon as he got in he started up the car and put his seatbelt on before driving off.

"So where are we going?"

"I can't surprise you?"

"This whole thing is a scam Ramon. You can tell me."

"Just for that I will not."

I groaned before looking out of my window realizing how New York can be beautiful at night.

"We're close by."

He said pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up to spot the famous Italian restaurant Tribbiani's, I gasped softly before smiling gently.

"We... We're eating here?"

I asked looking back towards him. He nodded and chuckled gently.

"Of course. Got to make the big Entrance somehow right?"

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