Chapter 15: Vexation

Start from the beginning

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I whistled a random tune as I entered the school hallways, my fingers fiddling with the straps of my bag. My eyes wondered around the hall, trying to find a familiar face. Just at the corner, I spotted Yuna, her forehead resting on her locker.


I made my way towards her, a frown etched on my face, deepening with every step I took. When I stood right behind her, I put a hand on her shoulder, causing her to yelp back in shock and whip around to stare at me, eyes as wide as saucers. On realizing that it was just me, she screwed her eyes shut, releasing deep breaths and placing a shaky hand on her chest. After taking a few more breaths, she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the janitor's closet in a flash. She shoved us inside and slammed the door shut, a click sounding throughout the clustered room, indicating that she had locked the door.

My eyes bulged out of my sockets, and nervously darted around the room. I bit my lip anxiously and turned to stare solemnly at her.

"Are we finally doing it?" I asked in a hushed whisper.

"Mark!" she exclaimed, clearly offended with an appalled look on her face. I received a hard smack on the back of my head from her hand, and winced.

"Jesus, woman! Sorry." I muttered while rubbing my throbbing head with a pout.

She shook her head, mumbling indistinctly and raised her head to glare daggers at me, making me shrink back considerably under her frightening gaze. Sighing dejectedly, she palmed her forehead, releasing a groan.

"I brought you here to tell you something."

The urgency in her voice made my eyebrows shoot up in surprise, causing me to frown and lean towards her, all the mischievousness draining from my face, a serious stance taking over.


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My fists balled up, my nails digging in my palm. My teeth hurt with how tightly I was clenching my jaw, fury bubbling inside of me like hot lava; I was a volcano about to erupt. An unintentional hiss escaped my teeth as I looked at Yuna, who was staring shamefully at her feet. Inhaling deeply, I took a step towards her and hooked a finger under her chin, lifting her face to mine. The flame in my eyes was apparently visible to her, for she audibly gasped.

"Yuna." Her name left my lips as a low growl.

She licked her lips, fear evident in her eyes. I screwed my eyes shut tightly, urging myself to calm down. Slowly, i turned my face towards her.

"Where is she?" My voice dripped with confided anger and fury.

Her eyes popped out as she gasped, shaking her head vigorously.

"No, no, Mark! You're not going to do anything!" She pleaded, but my mind was too clouded by anger to pay any attention to her cries.

"I. Said. Where. Is. She? "

She bit her trembling lips, a desperate look flashing across her face. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. She placed a shaky hand on my forearm, squeezing it weakly.

"Please Mark. Please."

Fuck, it hurt. It hurt so fucking bad to see her like this - a broken china doll, and it hurt even more to know that I was the reason of those shimmering tears. I clenched my jaw, and took in a deep breath through my nose.

"I'm sorry, Yuna. But I have to do this. Tell me, where is she?"

She heaved a broken sigh, knowing that nothing could calm the storm raging inside of me.

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